Category - Lifestyle
Sometimes small changes to habits, diet, exercise can set your physical and mental health on the right path.
Stressed-out Elephant in the Room
What happened to the notion that life and work should be enjoyable and happy experiences? When was...
Colour Therapy for Health Benefits
Today we take colour for granted. When it comes to colour we place more emphasis on fashion and...
Winter Blues
January is often a struggle for a few reasons and the January blues is rather well known. The...
Life Coach
I always make it clear to my clients that I am a Life Coach and not a counsellor nor...
What is Colour Therapy?
Colour Therapy is a totally safe non-invasive complementary therapy that uses colour and light to...
The benefits of visiting a Nutritional Therapist
You wonder why your best friend can eat what she likes, yet the minute you look at that chocolate...
Five a Day or More?
The Purpose of Fruit and Vegetables We have all heard the phrase of eating five a day. But do most...
The benefits of taking Fermented foods in Winter
Leaving for work in the cold frosty mornings, scraping the ice off your car then returning home in...