My story is probably similar to so many others out there surrounding the reasons why I chose to...
Category - Therapies
Articles covering a wide variety of complementary therapies from Reiki to Matrix Re-imprinting. Dive in and discover more.
7 Reasons to Learn & Practise “Meet Yourself...
Learning to practise Meet Yourself Meditation is one of the most dramatically effective things you...
Access your Natural State
Mind, Body & Spirit health My Passion is complete Mind, Body & Spirit health, and the...
Meet Yourself Therapy & Meet Yourself Meditation
“Each one of us is born beautiful, only the opinions of others fool us into thinking...
What is High Vibrational and why is everyone talking about it?
High Vibrational State There is so much talk about living in a high vibrational state but what does...
What do you see?
What do you see when you look at this picture? The clear water? The bright, blue sky? Or, the...
Dry Needling Technique
What is dry needling? The main reason for the application of dry needling is the use of a thin pre...
What is Reiki?
When I tell people that I am a Holistic Therapist and I offer Reiki treatments they look confused...
Using Energy Psychology
Using energy psychology is becoming more and more popular, with EFT & TFT practitioners popping...