Why did I became a counsellor? The answer to that is simple, I’ve had depression and anxiety...
Category - Therapies
Articles covering a wide variety of complementary therapies from Reiki to Matrix Re-imprinting. Dive in and discover more.
The Telltale Flame
Several months ago, *Cheryl, a retired factory worker and wonderful client of several years...
Rapid Transformational Therapy™
Rapid Transformational Therapy™ (RTT™) is the pioneering new therapy method. It is gathering...
Yoga Therapy
Many of us love our yoga classes. Once a week we stretch and move in time with our breath and come...
Five questions on Hypnotherapy
What is Hypnotherapy? The American Psychological Association describes Hypnotherapy or...
What’s Holding You Back?
At the start of a New Year many of us will be prompted to self-reflect and do our own personal...
Health & Wellness
Why do we look for holistic therapies and yoga? To calm the mind, de-stress or to simply find...
Introducing The Feldenkrais Method
“If you know what you do you can do what you want.”M. Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM)...
Alternative Training – My first Ultra
How the Wim Hof Method enabled me to rethink my limits December 2015: Bringing it back to the body...