Letting go of who hurt you yesterday to create space for the people who love you today.
When we withhold forgiveness from ourselves or others we remain stuck in the wastelands of our past pain and project it on to our present reality. The ointment for the wound that remains open is the energy of forgiveness.

We often believe forgiveness is about accepting what happened as okay or condoning hurtful actions but it is about releasing the energies of the past so they no longer govern present choices .
When we hold on to hurt, we are emotionally and mentally hobbled, & our relationships suffer.
If you are harbouring bitterness or resentment in your heart, it’s like taking a small dose of poison each day but expecting the other person to suffer. Resentment not only weighs heavily on our minds but also takes a toll on our physical health. Chronic stress and anger can lead to a weakened immune system and a higher risk of heart disease.
Letting go is the healing balm for your heart’s wound. By choosing forgiveness, you free yourself from the chains of past hurts and open the door to peace and emotional wellbeing.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting what happened or erasing the memory of the event. it is a means of letting go of the emotional hold the memory has on you and releasing your need for retribution therefore reclaiming your energy along with your power.
When we choose to tap into our capacity to forgive we often fear it means we need to turn the other cheek when we have been hurt but forgiveness is not about letting the person back into your life—that’s what boundaries are for, while forgiveness sets us free healthy boundaries safeguard our present and future. They are a declaration of empowerment and self-respect, reminding you that you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.
When you combine forgiveness with healthy boundaries, you create a beautiful path to healing.
You can unsubscribe from the energies of bitterness without compromising your sense of safety or self-worth.
Forgiveness is ultimately a gift you give yourself. It’s an act of self-compassion, a conscious choice you make to free up heart space for the life you deserve, a life filled with love, tranquility, and emotional wellness. In the end, forgiveness is less about the other person and more about you—your choice to prioritise your well-being and embrace a future free from the shadows of the past.
I am not what happened to me I am who I choose to become..
I release myself the weight of past hurts and open my heart to healing.
I am worthy of love, compassion, and inner peace, so I choose to let go it is done.
Forgiveness is my soothing antidote to the poison filling your heart.

Journal Prompts
Who do I want to become and how is this resistance holding me back from what my soul wants?
Write a forgiveness letter to yourself.
If you are not yet in the space to forgive someone focus on forgiving the part of yourself that holds on to resentment & the patterns it creates
Main – Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash