
Mubarak Mansoor Ali

In the hum of the city, where the clock never rests,
We chase after dreams, as life builds its tests.
Yet amid the chaos, a whisper takes flight:
“Pause for a moment, reclaim your light.”

Self-care, a balm for the weary soul,
Not indulgence, but what makes us whole.
A shield in the storm, a breath in the race,
A journey inward, a sacred space.

It’s the quiet mornings with tea in your hand,
The joy of soft rain, the warmth of the sand.
It’s saying no when your heart feels the strain,
Allowing yourself to heal from the pain.

The world demands more, louder and fast,
But to thrive, not just survive, self-care must last.
Modern life’s tempo, relentless, unkind,
Calls for a moment to soothe heart and mind.

So, tend to your spirit, your body, your heart,
Each act of self-love is a powerful start.
For in caring for you, the ripple will flow,
To others you’ll nurture, as you let yourself grow.

Self-care is rebellion in an age of despair,
A song of resistance, a breath of fresh air.
It’s not just a choice, it’s a vital decree
In loving yourself, you set yourself free.

Main – Photo by Hairy Phish