The Four Foundations of Transformation: Part 3

Foundations of Transformation
Emma Davies
Written by Emma Davies

It was through a period of dramatic personal transformation that I deeply learnt the foundations of transformation and the tools that make this a more comfortable and manageable process. Welcome to part three in this four-part series, where I am sharing the four fundamental areas that empower change along with some low or zero cost tools that support each of them: personal mindset, what we consume, active use of mind & body, and intentional rest of mind & body.

No. 3: Active use of Mind & Body

Keeping the mind and body active aids optimal performance, it allows us to have the energy and capability to achieve our goals, it provides the exertion that encourages sleep at night, which in turn energises us for the next day. As you might see, each of these four foundational areas link into each other; transformation is holistic. Thankfully as mentioned earlier, we are abundant in options and as this is your life, your transformation, find the activity that inspires you to keep at it and importantly find one, or more, that makes you happy.

Active use of the mind: From apps for mental agility to learning a new language or skill, books on history, the joy of such variety is that there is something out there that’s right for you. Think about what you enjoy, or even better, what you enjoyed as a child because often that same thing will evoke joy now. If something feels boring or like a chore, drop it. Find something that capture’s you and don’t be afraid to think laterally. We all learn differently so find a method that engages you – reading books, listening to podcasts or ted talks, doing games on interactive apps, or online and in-person learning courses. It is worth noting that as an adult not all your learning needs to be about work or self-development, keeping your mind active on something purely because it is something you enjoy is equally as valid.

Active use of the body:  Your goal does not need to be about weight or fitness for movement to remain a vital aspect of transformation. Movement of the body helps keep all aspects of our being firing on all cylinders. Movement is for a transformational journey as wheels to a car, you can move forward without it, but it will be less comfortable and harder work. Importantly, choose what you enjoy; open your mind, research widely, then try different activities until you find the one that keeps you coming back for more. Even whilst gyms and classes are closed there is plenty of variety online from martial arts to ballet and plenty are low cost or free and easy to complete within your own home. My strongest recommendation, however, is to get active in the great outdoors. Being amongst nature is proven to be highly restorative for humans, as we are ultimately a part of that natural world. Taking time to walk, bike, or run in nature is not only great exercise for your health but it is free.

The human mind and body are designed to be active. Modern life has made most of us more sedentary, especially in the body, than is ideal, even for our minds many tasks are taken over by the computer, so it is important to intentionally build in challenge, even if only gentle challenge for our body and mind to keep them functioning at their best. This is important for all transformational work because any transformation is driven by you, your mind and your body