6 Powerful Strategies to Overcome Negative Thinking

Anne-Marie Pereira
Written by Anne-Marie Pereira

Have you ever felt caught in a storm of negative thoughts, overwhelmed by doubts and fears?

It’s a common and frustrating feeling, leaving you stuck and helpless. Thankfully, overcoming these negative patterns is entirely possible. In this article, we’ll explore seven effective strategies to help you overcome negative thinking and improve your overall wellbeing. Keep reading to learn how you can change your mindset and find peace of mind.

Image by Fabien from Pixabay

1 – Cultivate Self-Awareness

A – Recognise Your Inner Critic

Have you ever really listened to your inner dialogue? From a young age, we’re often directed more towards our mistakes than our successes, making self-criticism a habitual part of our mindset. Many of us go through our days with a critical inner voice, full of self-doubt and negativity. These thoughts can drag us down, making us feel tired and unmotivated. Recognising this inner critic is the first step towards change.

B – Monitor Your Thoughts

Imagine if your thoughts were being recorded. Throughout your day, notice how you talk to yourself. Are you kind or critical? Do you use pessimistic language? Writing down these thoughts can uncover hidden patterns and surprising insights. Your internal dialogue shapes your external reality because negative words create negative images, sending powerful signals to your mind. By altering your inner conversation, you can build positive neural pathways that support your goals and overall wellbeing.

C – Let Thoughts Flow

Imagine your thoughts as leaves floating down a river. As you watch, each thought drifts past you on the water, which represents your mind. They come and go, but they don’t change the river itself. By observing your thoughts this way, you can let them pass without letting them disturb your inner peace or who you are. Remember, thoughts only stick around if you keep focusing on them, like trying to stop the leaves from going with the flow. Knowing that thoughts are like leaves on a river—always moving and passing—helps you see that they’re never permanent.

2 – Transform Your Environment

A – Revamp Your Space

Our surroundings have a big impact on our mood and mindset. Sometimes, changing what’s around us can help improve what’s happening inside us. Start with your home: clear out clutter, move things around and update your decoration. Give away items you no longer use and throw away things that can’t be fixed. Turning your home into a place that brings you joy, with elements like positive quotes and affirmations, can have a powerful impact on your inner state and daily motivation.

B – Choose Positive Relationships

Surround yourself with positive people. Cut back on time spent with those who drain your energy and connect with friends or groups that support and inspire you. Being around uplifting influences can greatly improve your mood and motivation. Remember, if you continue spending time with people who are negative, pessimistic or bring you down, the opposite effect will occur, affecting your mood and motivation negatively.

C – Be Mindful of Media Consumption

The media we consume has a big impact on our thoughts and feelings. I remember one of my clients messaging me after a panic attack she had halfway through our 90-day programme. When I asked her what she was doing at the time, she said she was relaxing with her husband watching a movie. It turned out the film was a dramatic story, which triggered her body’s response.

Photo by Andres Ayrton

This shows how even fictional content can affect us deeply because our unconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between reality and what’s on screen. Limit exposure to negative news and endless social media scrolling. Instead, choose uplifting and inspiring content, like comedies, feel-good shows and educational podcasts, as it will positively impact your mood.

3 – Get Yourself Busy

A – Start Small

Moving your body is an excellent way to boost your mood, but turning it into a regular habit can be challenging. Begin by increasing your daily activity: go for walks with a friend, dance to your favourite music, or try a new pilates or yoga video on YouTube. Rather than fixating on the tasks ahead, which can lead to procrastination, focus on how great you’ll feel once you’ve completed them and how proud you’ll be for taking care of yourself. Small changes can lead to significant improvements over time.

B – Find Joy in Movement

Whether it’s walking, dancing, gardening or even playing with kids, find ways to make these activities enjoyable and fun. Choose activities that you love and consider adding an accountability partner to help keep you motivated and consistent.

Think of your mind as a pressure cooker. Engaging in creative activities is like releasing the valve, letting out built-up stress and negativity and helping you return to balance and harmony with ease.

C – Feel the Benefits

As you start moving your body more often, you’ll gradually notice the benefits. Regular activity helps release endorphins, which can lift your mood and ease stress. Over time, staying active will lead to lasting improvements in how you feel and think about yourself and the world around you.