The snowdrop and primrose our woodlands adorn,

And violets bathe in the wet o’ the morn.

~ Robert Burns (1759-1796)

An online magazine promoting a wide range of holistic and spiritual therapies, positive lifestyle growth, yoga practices and Parenthood topics through the publication of guest author articles by the practitioners themselves.

Our focus is on shining a light on the fantastic range of therapies and, through our relationships with practitioners, bringing the hope and positivity of self-care and self-healing to the wider public.

Poetry Corner


by Mubarak Mansoor Ali

In the hum of the city, where the clock never rests, We chase after dreams, as life builds its tests.
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Got Questions?

Ask James

Shattering the Doom Loop

In his monthly column, our resident therapist and coach, James Jackson, helps with breakups & overthinking.
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Monthly Column

Pockets of Happiness

Pockets of Happiness

In order to live a fulfilled life, we need to understand what will fulfill us!
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Monthly Column

Spirit Keeper

Self-Care Practices for Healing Practitioners & Kindred Spirits

In this month’s column, we are going to look at new year resolutions...
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Latest Wellbeing Articles

PCOS Demystified

A Guide to Understanding & Managing the Condition Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a...

Yoga, Beyond The Mat

Take a journey along an ancient philosophical path with our series to help you understand the...

I Found My Period At 31

I bloody love my period. It’s changed my life for the greater. But it wasn’t always like that… My...


In the hum of the city, where the clock never rests,We chase after dreams, as life builds its tests...

Practical Tools…

…for Managing Stress Stress and overwhelm are inevitable parts of life, especially when we...

Latest Health Articles

Love Your Body

February is always a month filled with thoughts of Valentine’s Day and how we can show one...


A Game-Changing Solution to Manage Worry & Boost Happiness The journey to collaborate and...

The Sister Wound

A vital aspect of healing the feminine is acknowledging the Sister Wound on both an individual and...

Business Development

Meet Louise Bartlett…

Your Heart-Centred Guide to Building a Thriving Wellness Brand Hey there! I’m Louise Bartlett, and...