A Psychedelic Perimenopausal Celebration

Abi Adams
Written by Abi Adams

When Was The Last Time You Celebrated Being A Woman?

I think I’ve found what I’ve been looking for.

And it was inside me all the time.


I’ve just returned from a weekend psychedelic retreat with my husband in the highlands of Scotland and I’m still transitioning. Because I don’t want to return as that me. I want to show up as the me I was born to be.

I was reminded of how space is so important to supporting my growth, development and capacity to live with life instead of against it. The trees, the earth, the sky, all offer such magical moments of reflection. The elements have always been a big part of how I chart my health and wellbeing, which is why I love Kinesiology so much. It integrates what I value so much; the body and movement and the art of nature and its creative expression.

I can’t tell you what exactly happened as this isn’t the objective, but I know my intention was served which was to dissolve my defences and rekindle my magic. And it was the magic that I saw that elevated my being.

I went through a rebirth, seeing myself in the womb and allowing myself to arrive when I was ready. I understand now how I have been showing up to make others happy and I’m not subscribing to that anymore.

I experienced the deepest feeling of love for life and my husband. I got to see my husband for the beautiful soul he is, allowing him to stand in his power. Judgement completely dropping away, defences lowering. We have rekindled a spark I know perimenopause can sometimes overshadow. I now lean into him deeply and trust he has me.

I was visited by the spirit of water who is now guiding me through this phase of my life. Research has proven the natural gravitation of women to water during perimenopause and so this makes so. much sense when we look at how change requires free-flowing movement and how this creates emotional responses for us to learn and grow from. I now see a place for psychedelics in the area of peri health and this is one I shall be exploring. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Photo by Pixabay

The biggest takeaway for me was realising that I’m here to celebrate being a woman and to support and inspire other women (and men, too, if they want to join the ride) in celebrating their bodies and expressions. I aim to empower women who wish to delve deeper into understanding their feminine health and what it truly feels like. My goal is to create celebrations, ceremonies, and rituals for women of this day and age to fully embrace and enjoy, and I believe that’s why you’re here.

That is why we are all here.

I’m not willing to waste any more time on the parts that don’t make me feel excited to be alive. I’m ready to get my skin in the mud and dive deeper into those waters, feeling the fire of my power and the strength of the ground I stand on.

Are you ready to reclaim your emotional landscapes my darlings?

Photo by James Wheeler

Because it’s right here.

Big love

Abi x

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Main – Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash