Wellness retreats, yoga retreats, silence retreats, sound retreats, cooking retreats, hiking...
Author - Elena Dickie
Tis the Season to be Jolly…
…Or is it? I love Christmas time: the cheesy music, the loud decorations, picking small but...
Closing the Bones for Deep Healing
Closing the Bones Ceremony – sounds a bit mysterious doesn’t it? Image by Quang Nguyen vinh from...
Little Things That Can Make A Huge Difference To Your Wellbeing
Oil Pulling, Yes or No? We all want to feel well, don’t we? I know, it is a sweeping statement...
Why Aromatherapy Rocks
& Why you Should Try it at Least Once The power of plants is just epic and when this power is...
The Magic of Yoga
Ever wondered what it is about yoga that has made its popularity explode in the past few years...
Being Authentic
Wherever You Are, Whatever You Do… What does this really mean? I attended a feminist...