A brief step-by-step massage routine might look like this:
The safest place to massage is on the floor! Find a warm place, not too bright, and somewhere comfortable for you.
Begin by warming up some massage oil in your hands, swish the oil in front of the baby’s face so they can see your hands, hear the oil swishing, and know what is coming next! Offer the baby the massage, this is a good time to check in with them, have some lovely eye contact!
It is always good to begin massaging a baby’s legs and feet, as these are the least vulnerable parts of the body.
Start on one leg and foot, and then move onto the other. Begin with working from the hip down to the foot, to boost circulation.
Then, try to work across the muscles, again from the hip towards the foot, really warming up the muscles.
Moving onto the foot, work on the base of the foot, some nice firm thumbs being pressed all over the bottom of the foot will feel wonderful, and stimulate the body.
Count out each of the toes, starting with the biggest, this is fun and interactive with your baby.
You can then make little circles around their ankle joints, working back up towards the hip from the ankle.
It’s also really lovely to massage their beautiful, busy bottoms, so some big circles on their buttocks! This might stimulate some wind, so don’t be surprised!
Now do the same on the other leg and foot, and repeat the strokes for the bottom!
Working from the hips down to the toes, do a lovely long massage stroke, linking everything together, telling them each body part and showing them how it all connects!
Most new parents come to me with concerns that their baby is experiencing tummy pain, this can be constipation, wind or even colic. With this kind of tummy pain, a few handy strokes are to work on the tummy, moving in a clockwise direction, as this follows the path of digestion. It is also beneficial to bring the baby’s knees up and into their tummy, and hold this position, as it puts some pressure on their tummy with their knees and thighs. It can also be of benefit to bicycle their legs, so long as their thighs are meeting their tummy.
Teething is also a common issue that parents raise with me, and some big circles on their jawline can provide a lot of relief.
All massage will help to induce sleep, so long as the timing is right, environment is warm and loving, and baby is receptive.
….. I really love the work I do, it fits beautifully around my own children, and has been such a positive influence on our family life. My own children know all about breastfeeding, about massage and yoga and the benefits, and are really aware of their own bodies, their breathing and how they feel when their bodies are relaxed. We still massage, and often they will ask for a back massage or foot massage, knowing how lovely it feels, and how we have focused time together.