The Wim Hof Method is a simply followed, natural path to an optimal state of mind & body, all...
Category - Therapies
Articles covering a wide variety of complementary therapies from Reiki to Matrix Re-imprinting. Dive in and discover more.
Supporting Wellbeing During BabyLoss Awareness Week
Honouring Loss & Embracing Healing As we approach Babyloss Awareness Week, it is essential to...
“My Back’s Just Gone!”
When someone says “My back has just gone!” after picking something up, it typically...
The Neuroscience of Faith in Therapy
It was a cold rainy day in January 2021. I’d been practising as a hypnotherapist for a year. I’d...
The world needs love. It is crying out for it among the vulnerable, the abused, victims of...
Getting The Most Out of Your Meditation
& Breathwork Experience As with anything, preparation is essential to get the most out of your...
Embodying Grounding
Connection with Pulsation for Livelihood Understanding the sensation of the soil beneath your feet...
Defragmentation of the Self
I have wanted to write this for a little while now but because it is contextual learning from...
Motion Intelligence of a Quiet Mind
Simple Strategies for Inner Peace In today’s fast-paced hi-tech era, achieving a quiet mind...