In therapy rooms, conceptualising a client’s problem is a fundamental step in understanding their...
Category - Therapies
Articles covering a wide variety of complementary therapies from Reiki to Matrix Re-imprinting. Dive in and discover more.
Our Beliefs Manifest Our Reality
“What you think, you become.What you feel, you attract.What you imagine, you create.”~...
“It Feels Like It’s Muscular!”
If I had a £ for every new client that says this, I would… well, have a lot of £’s! And...
How I Use RTT® Hypnotherapy…
…to Help Clients Overcome Pain & Injuries As an RTT®-certified therapist, I’ve seen...
Embracing Self-Connection
A Journey to Love and Empowerment When I listen to that soft, gentle voice inside, I feel love...
Reiki – A Call To Love
Reiki lives within us all; it is our natural living life force. Reiki has been a major influence in...
Sleep Well, Feel Well
Our mental health is influenced by many factors, and to truly improve it, we need to take a broader...
Overcoming Fear of Failure
How RTT Hypnotherapy & Coaching Can Transform Your Life Fear of failure is something that holds...
Staying On Track…
… In Challenging Times With all the tension in the collective recently, it may be challenging...