Category - Yoga
Learn more about yoga. Articles covering different types, trends, benefits, for children, retreats, and learning to teach.
Yoga Teacher Training Course – Not Just For Teachers
If you’re reading this article, you’re probably not new to Yoga. Many of us have already realized...
If I can do it, anyone can
More often than not, when I meet someone new and mention that I teach yoga, people say ‘Oh...
Visit to the Hermogenes Institute in Rio de Janeiro
Sandra Pereira’s Recent Visit to the Hermogenes Institute in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil (August...
Vinyasa Yoga: Sun Salutation
Vinyasa or flow yoga is when you synchronize your movements to your breath, and the moves all...
The 12 Benefits of Yoga
You might be wondering “Is yoga for me?” so we have put together a comprehensive page...
What’s your yoga?
You want to take up yoga but are not sure which one would suit you. Try out this little quiz to see...