Clearing your Tarot Deck and Space



Most people begin a clearing of the cards and the space they are going to use by invoking good energy to assist them. They ask the good energy to clear the tarot deck and space; and also ask the good energy to give the deck and space a positive charge. The good energy can take the form of what you perceive as good energy; be it a spirit guide, a departed ancestor, white light, whatever does it for you. Some people ask for God’s light and intervention; based on what God means to them. The point is they use whatever they feel is a good and positive force for them to clear any negativity or blocks from the cards and space. Many readers also consecrate or dedicate their cards to the use of good when they clear their space and tarot deck as well.

Here is a simple invocation to clear the “deck” or space to start. When using it for your space you substitute the word space for deck. It takes the form of a consecration of the deck in the name of good energy:

“I consecrate this deck to bring Light where there is Darkness.

I consecrate this deck for guidance and wisdom for myself and others for the higher good for all concerned.

I consecrate this deck to enlighten myself and those concerned.

May all who use and touch this deck know the love of Spirit and drawn into the light of Spirit.

I dedicate this deck to serve others with spiritual growth, for wisdom, knowledge, and to bring peace to all those who seek its wisdom.

I dedicate this deck to the development of my intuition so that I may be a source of guidance to others.”

You may add any words you wish or change any of them to fit the energy you are using as well as your feelings. It is a form of consecration to make the deck of pure good light energy. You may also want to thank all those energies that are assisting in the cleansing also. When we give thanks we bring thanks into our lives which brings blessings.

There are two main ways people proceed while invoking the good energy of the universe to their decks and spaces this is by either shuffling the cards while they say the invocation or putting the cards in numerological order before they say the invocation. You can do what you prefer. You may decide to do neither and just place your hands on the cards or put the deck of cards up to your heart. Tarot cards can be blessed in many ways. You don’t have to use the invocation I wrote above, that’s just an idea. Any prayer that has meaning to you is fine. A mantra even works if your intention is clear and positive. The main point is to put your cards in touch with a higher good with which it is empowered with.

You can then go on to use incense, smudging whatever you want to do to clear the air and the cards. You can pass the cards through the smoke. Some readers use oil like lavender and drop a few drops on the cards. Some may sprinkle the cards with salt. They may rap them hard against the table. Some even fling them across the room to rid them of negativity. Whatever works for you and your beliefs.

When this is done they can be wrapped in a silk cloth or put in a bag just for the cards. I keep mine in a wooden box from my mother. Some people sleep with them under their pillows.

People do things from Reiki to keeping the cards clean; to very involved rituals. Some put a crystal on the deck to keep it charged and cleared when they are not in use. These are just a few basic ideas on how to clear your tarot card deck. There are however also very involved rituals tarot card readers use but I have not included them here.