Create Without Fear Bundle

It was my first year as a single mom and I needed to make money, and I needed to make it FAST. I left a toxic marriage and was out on my own for the first time in almost 15 years.

I was a stay-at-home-mom, had been out of the work force for years and was practically unemployable. I had no job and ZERO job prospects. Yet, I had put a roof over our heads and food on the table.

 It was crunch time. Survival mode was activated at full throttle.

I didn’t know how I was going to do it. But I knew I had no choice. 


I made six figures, bought my dream car, wrote a #1 best seller (that was acquired for film rights in Hollywood!) and earned nearly as much as my ex-husband in my first year alone. 


Self-education. I sat my ass down, rolled up my sleeves, invested in myself and became my own knight in shining armour. Everything changed when I realised no one was coming to save me.

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya

So, it’s worth reminding…


And let’s be so for real. The “Okay, but no one wants your course, bro” culture is super lame. Its more than lame, it’s LAZY. 

9 out of the 10 people you meet are average or below average. They are skating though life, going through the motion, earning below their worth and accepting the bare minimum in all areas of life.

But let me tell you something. It doesn’t have to be like that.

Here’s the honest to GOD truth: 

Literally everything good that has ever happened to me has happened AFTER investing in myself. Whether through taking a course, attending masterclass, a direct mentorship program, attending workshops, buying a new book and learning from someone I admired, hiring an expert in an area of weakness, or tuning into their podcast. 

I knew I’d grow if I did the work.

And I was right.

Now, I’m making the money I’ve always dreamed of…and NO, not just from “this course,” but from choosing myself and my dreams without fear.

This program is not gimmicky. There are no weird strings attached. No hidden Ponzi scheme. No secret or selfish “get rich quick” agenda.

Honestly, it’s creators who understand the laws of the universe, who have banded together to do the right thing. To be of service to the world. To help others pull themselves up. To live the life they want, on their own terms, without fear.

It’s really that simple.

If you’re ready to seriously take ownership of this one life you’re living, don’t waste another minute sitting on the sidelines.  

Jump right in.