There are some people who yearn to increase their income, yet their desire is spoken with a sense of guilt or embarrassment.
Why does money embarrass you?
It is important to understand that there is nothing wrong in aspiring for a more prosperous life. We were born to succeed. Many of us believe the lie that we were programmed to think from a young age, “money is the root of all evil” well that could not be further from the truth. It is our attitude towards success and money that is important. If you allow it to control you and be your dominant force then you need to shift that approach. You are the master of your destiny and money is your servant. It should never be your master! It is when we allow it to control our lives that it becomes unhealthy. It is all about how you achieve it and what you do with it that is important. How you let it affect your life is important to think about. Don’t let it overpower you or overwhelm you.

Limited financial resources can restrict your personal choices and sense of freedom. It can lower the quality of life, making you feel that your ability to make a significant positive influence is restricted. But, by releasing any feelings of guilt, shame, or unworthiness, you can focus on reprogramming your mindset and skills to achieve financial prosperity. Abundance starts with our mindset, change any limiting beliefs you have around money and condition your subconscious mind to be receptive and positive to the flow of this resource in your life. Another aspect that is important is gratitude.
Are you grateful for all that you currently possess?
Being grateful and having a positive attitude to money will attract more of the same into your life. I’m not saying we don’t need to work for it, but attitude is important.
Shift any negative thoughts about scarcity and lack and focus on your potential to grow and develop. Envisage greater opportunities such as a growing savings account, giving to charity and spending money freely on those you love. Holding your thoughts on positive outcomes will bring more of the same into your life, it will open up avenues for greater abundance.

Affirmations can help too. Try repeating some of these on a daily basis. “Money flows to and through my life easily and effortlessly” and “I am grateful for the money I have” and “My financial reality is growing daily and money flows with ease”. When we accept that money flows easily in and out of our lives that is allowing more of the same to happen.
Whatever your current circumstances are, it does not define who you are or what your future will be. Make peace with your present and embrace the possibilities for your future. We live in an abundant universe and the options are endless. Don’t forget to have fun, don’t always take money so seriously, have a portion to enjoy and do things you love. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive, sometimes the simplest pleasures bring the greatest joy.

Remember that whatever is going on outside is a reflection of what’s going on inside. To change your results, it is important to change your mindset.