Fertility Struggles  

An Emotional Roller Coaster

Fertility struggles can be a challenging emotional roller coaster, often filled with hope, disappointment, and a sense of loss, all very close together. For many fertility warriors, this journey towards conception is far from being not straightforward or comprehendible and the emotional toll can be overwhelming. We see women that have been through so much, not only the struggles of trying to conceive but also financially, medically or in their relationship. In other words, infertility affects almost all areas of life.

Image by Steid from Pixabay

Whilst the journey’s beginning isn’t always that clear, when one actually starts feeling the struggle, the impact of that struggle is huge.

Couples then usually start seeking traditional medical advice and may or may not receive some answers. Often also followed by medical interventions. This is, however, not a quick trip to your GP’s office and that’s it. This stretches out over weeks and months and often years.

Whilst in most cases there isn’t a quick fix, this medical path often sadly overlooks the emotional and psychological aspects of infertility and the burden it brings to the couple. The emotional journey of fertility struggles is typically characterised by intense feelings of stress, anxiety, and even depression. Each month can bring a new wave of hope, followed by heartbreak when the period sets in, creating a cycle of emotional highs and lows. Adding the pressure from friends or family to the overwhelming sense of losing control, you get a glimpse of what these rightly named ‘fertility warriors’ endure.

We all know the negative impact of stress and anxiety on our overall well-being. And now mix this with fertility issues and let the roller coaster ride begin. Chronic stress can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones that regulate our reproductive system, creating a vicious cycle: stress reduces the chances of conception, and the inability to conceive increases stress. It is a tricky cycle to escape using one’s own strength, and each month the harsh reality of another negative pregnancy test reiterates this struggle.

But what can be done to escape this emotional roller coaster?

In general, there are many tools available to help reduce stress, such as mindfulness, meditation and breathwork. However, one fast-track solution that addresses and solves the root cause of infertility is hypnosis. This powerful tool can significantly manage the emotional aspects of infertility.

Hypnosis goes beyond mere stress reduction. By promoting a deep state of relaxation, it positively impacts our nervous system, heart rate, and hormonal balance. We often notice that hypnosis helps couples develop a more positive outlook, improving emotional well-being and improving their ability to cope with the emotional challenges of infertility. This shift can make this journey more bearable, instilling a sense of calm and gradually bringing them closer to a positive pregnancy test.

However, it isn’t always that simple. Couples often hear “just relax and you’ll get pregnant”, but in our experience, many struggling couples face deeper root causes than just fertility stress.

This is where hypnosis becomes a superpower.

I often explain to my clients: ‘you cannot change the past, but you can change the emotions attached to it’. We all carry the shadows of our past, and for some,  certain experiences weigh heavier than for others or haven’t been processed as thoroughly as they should have been. When this emotional cleanse, or mental detox as we call it, alters the feelings tied to the past, we observe significant overall changes, often extending beyond fertility to other aspects of life.

But that’s not all. What about those with past trauma? It’s not uncommon for clients to open up about childhood traumas, such as abuse or traumatic events like accidents. Various techniques allow us to address these issues, which often have a profound impact on fertility.

Photo by MK Hamilton on Unsplash

These are just a few ways hypnosis can swiftly improve the fertility journey.

What about women that are undergoing IVF to become pregnant?

Can hypnosis help them too?

Studies have shown that women undergoing IVF treatments report a 50% higher success rate when combining it with hypnosis. This is quite remarkable as the studies only used hypnosis for relaxation, without exploring its full potential. So, imagine the possibilities and impact for women undergoing IVF, when all aspects of hypnosis are employed.

Clients often tell us they feel more in control of their situation and empowered by taking a more active role in their treatment. Especially with IVF, we can teach partners to support the woman hypnotically during processes like embryo transfer. This added support is like icing on the cake and can significantly enhance the relationship bringing couples closer together again. Fertility struggles can indeed feel like an emotional roller coaster, filled with highs and lows, hope and heartbreak. But with the right support, the journey doesn’t have to be so tumultuous.

Remember, there are ways to help you along this path, and because every fertility journey is unique, it is important to seek the help & support you feel comfortable with.

Main – Image by Elena Έλενα Kontogianni Κοντογιάννη from Pixabay