Happiness does not come to you.
It comes from you.
It is accepting that good enough is not something you need to be it is what you already are.

The most powerful path to change is accepting that happiness is an inside job, not a distant destination we must sacrifice our lives to reach. It resides within us, but fear-driven thoughts shift us away from looking inward, keeping us in a divided state.
As young children, we live in a beautiful inner landscape, creating worlds with our minds. We are fully connected, whole, and filled with aliveness, unafraid to be vulnerable and openly display each emotion. We are pure love, showing it to everyone through smiles, play, laughter, and dance. We believe in magic, miracles, and the unseen.
By adulthood, we lose the freedom to be playful, speak our truth, or laugh until our stomachs hurt. Productivity becomes our religion, and internal lack is the punishing god we worship in the vain hope that acquiring enough will make us happy. We bind ourselves in a straitjacket of restrictions, trusting only our limited minds and often viewing life through a lens of fear.
So, what happened to those beautiful parts of ourselves?
From birth, we are shaped by our physical and emotional environment. Dependent on caregivers, we learn who we need to be and how to behave to have our core needs met. By early childhood, we have absorbed information from our primary environment, forming a sense of self. This crucial period shapes our core belief system, influencing our perception of ourselves, others, and the world. These beliefs dictate our behavior and self-worth.

The parts of ourselves deemed unacceptable, such as fears, insecurities, or vulnerabilities, are cast into the shadows, causing internal disconnection. As adults, we struggle with feeling inauthentic and unworthy because we live from an oppressive self-image formed in childhood. Only by reintegrating these orphaned parts and dethroning negative core beliefs can we achieve true wholeness and happiness. From here, we are unbound, limitless, and free.
Exercise – Uncovering Negative Beliefs
Understanding is Power
Our first great leap towards inner happiness is building awareness around our negative or limiting core beliefs.
Create a Sacred Quiet Space
- Find a place where you will be undisturbed.
- Take some beautiful, slow, deep breaths. Focus and center yourself.
Say these affirmations silently to yourself, leaving a gap between each one:
- I am beautiful.
- I am so divinely lovable.
- I am enough. I always have been and I always will be.
- I am powerful beyond measure.
Next, say them in your normal speaking voice.
Lastly, say them out loud and proud, as if speaking to a crowd.
Reflect & Journal
- Notice how your body feels. Do you feel relaxed, calm, and at one, or restless, uneasy, and uncomfortable?
- Do these words resonate deeply, or are they drowned out by your inner critic?
Journal about what you have unmasked. Create new, powerful, positive beliefs and repeat them to yourself each day. The mind learns beautifully through repetition.
By consistently practicing these affirmations and cultivating positive beliefs, you can transform your mindset and enhance your inner happiness.

Embrace the power of repetition & self-awareness to quiet your inner critic & nurture a more confident, peaceful & empowered you.