“Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food, and medicine to the soul.”
– Luther Burbank

Herbal Medicine uses a huge number of plants, medicinal flowers which can be used in teas, infusions, syrups, oxymels, tinctures which help the body to fight infections, strengthen the immune system, soothe the dry cough, relieve fever through their constituents.
One of the plants that I use most as soon as I get the cold symptoms is Echinacea. It is indicated to be taken at the onset of colds and flu, being very effective in fighting respiratory infections and stimulating white blood cells. A lovely tea will be as much preventive as curative in the same time.
Another plant which I use most is elderflower with antiviral and antibacterial actions. Elderberries are used in syrups as winter tonic to strengthen the immune system, because are rich in antioxidants.

Tinctures from these plants will help you to take a more concentrated amount of herb which will help you get well sooner. Tinctures can also be taken more often during the day, helping the body to speedy recover.
Yarrow is a plant that I love, not only for the medicinal properties that it has, but for the legend, folklore, history and magic which surrounds it. In Greek mythology Yarrow was named after a hero Achilles who was bathed in yarrow water by his mother. This herb was considered to bring immortality on those bathed in its water.
From medicinal point of view yarrow helps the body to sweat, drawing out the toxins. It is recommended to be taken at the first signs of cold or flu.
Elecampane is a wonderful herb for cough, being an amazing expectorant. It can be taken as tea, tincture or infused in honey, as you like.
Fire cider is another remedy which I recommend to be taken, being a spicy herbal vinegar which is great for opening the sinuses and clearing the mucus congestion.
But we don’t have to wait until we get ill. We can also help our body to build the immune system with astragalus and medicinal mushrooms for example.
Remember: “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”!
Rest and simple nutrient- dense food play a major role in recovery. Soups are rich in nutrients, a source of fluids, easy to swallow and help prevent dehydration. The herbs and spices used in soups help to eliminate excessive mucus from the body.
A very useful drink in the morning is made of ginger, turmeric, orange and a drop or two of cayenne tincture. Taking it regularly it helps preventing illness and dealing with cold; supporting the fever, moving stuck congestion. Ginger is warming and spicy and these qualities help things moving in the body. If the sinuses are blocked, drinking ginger can thin the mucus and help you to expel it. Ginger is also a pain reliever. You can also use it as a tea, as infused honey or in a broth.
Antiviral and immune stimulating herbs are exactly what you need during the cold and flu season, but also a great diet, exercise and a good hygiene will help you stay healthy when viruses try to enter your cells.
Main – Photo by Hilary Hahn on Unsplash