
The world needs love. It is crying out for it among the vulnerable, the abused, victims of oppression, war, the lonely, and those in despair—those who cannot speak for themselves. It is not just humans, but every species that shares the Earth with us, including Mother Earth herself.

Photo by Jonas Vincent on Unsplash

Sometimes, it can be overwhelming to contemplate the scale of this. We can feel helpless in the face of it all. What I have come to terms with is that there is only so much we can do, but we do need to play our part, and that starts with changing ourselves.

Love is a force that connects us all. Every species on Earth is interconnected, and we need to find our way back to self-love, which will, in turn, have a huge influence on the world around us. This means connecting to our own divinity and learning to integrate our shadow—working through those parts of us we have found difficult to love, so we can, in turn, show compassion and love for every living being on Earth. The more we heal our own wounds, the more we can show up for every living being.

We are worthy of Love!

We need to become more at home with the integration of our humanity with our divinity. We are worthy of love as divine beings of light. Too often, we have been led to believe that we are unworthy of love due to our humanness, but nothing could be further from the truth. As Megan Watterson says in Mary Magdalene Revealed:

“A child of true humanity”, in the Gospel of Mary, according to Bourgeault, is someone who has achieved this state of inner oneness. It designates the Anthropos, the fully realised human being who is both flesh and spirit, both human and divine.”

It is about integrating the opposites within us—our shadow and our light—and recognising that we are loved unconditionally.


My own spiritual path has been a journey of learning to love myself fully and embracing and accepting aspects of my shadow side—that part we hide from the world and even from ourselves. Doing so has helped me to become more whole and more fully present with my real self. One of these aspects was a tendency to hide my authentic voice. I shut it down due to the reactions of others. My brand of truth did not sit well with people. However, I now see that the side of ourselves we try to hide is actually a hidden treasure, and often our greatest strength. If we learn to accept that part of ourselves, we can become more empowered and co-create from a place of self-acceptance and love.

Many times, I made choices that did not honour myself, that were unhealthy for me, and that were detrimental to my self-esteem. I have learnt that much of this came from deep programming rooted in societal and cultural expectations. This led to self-sabotaging my progress in life. We all do it to a certain extent, but we are now being pushed to let go of these unhealthy patterns so we can raise our vibrations and live life from a higher perspective—from a higher state of consciousness.

Our Self-Love Journey Starts by Taking Small Steps

Every act of self-love has a ripple effect on those in our lives and on the collective, so we cannot underestimate the power of doing our own inner work.

It starts with small steps in our lives:

  • Speak up for yourself when you feel your voice is not being heard. Don’t allow yourself to be ignored or suppressed.
  • Choose self-love by speaking up when you are being disrespected or abused. Trust your gut instincts.
  • Walk away when your intuition tells you that something doesn’t feel right about someone or a situation. Your intuition is your compass.
  • Try, as best you can, to forgive those who have hurt you and let go of the pain. It is only by doing this that we set ourselves free.
  • Stand in your power when you feel you are being bullied or if someone is gaslighting you. Trust your inner knowing.
  • Have the courage to walk away when something doesn’t serve your highest good.
  • Set strong boundaries if someone is manipulating you and taking advantage of your goodness.
  • Commit to doing the inner work so you can let go of any limiting beliefs or trauma-based thinking.

Your Voice

Unlike animals, plants, and Mother Earth, we have the gift of a voice. We need to use it to speak up for ourselves first and foremost, and then use this gift to help create change in the world.

If we don’t speak up for ourselves, how can we possibly be a voice for the voiceless and for those who need our support the most?

The practices I work with in Womb Awakening and Spiritual Intuitive Healing are opportunities to take a journey through our bodies to release our blocks to self-love. It is a rebirth journey back to the divinity and love that is already within us.

For more information on working with me or to get in touch, click here.

Main – Photo by freestocks on Unsplash