As a Complementary and Holistic practitioner I would whole heartedly recommend Matrix Re-imprinting! I have had fantastic results for both myself, friends, family and clients with this therapy, it is truly amazing!
Matrix Re-imprinting helps you look at past experiences and events and realise and accept how that shaped your thinking and beliefs about the world and yourself. This understanding and acceptance enables you to transform your beliefs about yourself and the world and to change your perception.
There is a case study and a testimonial at the end of the article demonstrating how this can transform your life!
What can Matrix Re-Imprinting Help with?
Would You Like to Transform Yourself?
What would you change?
Whatever it is Matrix Re-imprinting can help!
What’s going on with your subconcious and how it affects your life
Did you know……
- Your subconscious runs 95-98% of your daily behaviour, activities and habits.
- The majority of the beliefs that you have about yourself and the world were made in the first 7 years of your life.
- The negative beliefs you make are based on trauma, misconceptions and observing those around you. These stick with you despite what you might recall consciously.
- Negative feelings and emotions about yourself and the world, limit and sabotage your best efforts! These make you afraid, hold you back and stop you from fulfilling your full potential; these are being reinforced repeatedly in your subconscious.
- For each negative perception you hold, the subconscious is stuck in fight, flight or freeze.
- Continuing stress on your body fueled by your subconscious, will eventually result in: physical, psychological illness or disease.
What will happen in a Matrix Re-Imprinting session?
- The practitioner will help you tune into the physical or emotional pain that you are experiencing when you think about a specific issue.
- The practitioner will then guide you taking you back to when you experienced those emotions or feelings at an earlier time.
- The practitioner will then work with you to resolve and re-frame the lessons and beliefs you took away from that event.
- You do NOT re-live the event – you remain detached and are not re-traumatised.
- You do not even need to explain everything to the practitioner.
How many session would I need?
Matrix Re-imprinting is very effective and usually works quickly; most clients would notice a significant improvement within 5 sessions, usually sooner.