My Journey

to Becoming a Reiki Healer

As a young child, I always knew I was ‘spiritual’ in the sense that I could see, hear, and feel spirits. Some experiences weren’t particularly pleasant, but others were absolutely amazing. The most vivid, and the one I’ll always treasure, was seeing my granddad riding a golden bicycle in mid-air at the end of my bedroom, wearing a cap he always wore, smiling, and winking at me. I didn’t tell my mum about this encounter until many years later, and she was gobsmacked as she asked how I would have known about the golden bicycle. To this day, my granddad is one of the spirits who watches over me.

These encounters have happened many times over the years, & I know the spirits are attached to me rather than a building.

Now, I sense all sorts of spiritual presences, particularly orbs of different colours, which signify many different things.

In my teens, I bought my first pack of tarot cards and began doing readings for myself and friends, as well as experimenting with palmistry. I went to art college and studied a foundation course in art and design, which led me to pursue an HND in 3D Design Crafts in the early 90s. I soon realised that I loved jewellery and silversmithing and graduated with a Distinction.

I started my career at a top Swiss bullion dealer in Hatton Garden, London’s jewellery quarter, a job I loved as it was a mixture of learning about precious metals and selling to jewellers and outworkers often commissioned to make pieces for high-profile clients.

After a couple of years, I broadened my horizons and worked at a precious gem dealer, an equally fascinating job where I learned something new every day. I constantly designed and made my own jewellery in my spare time and often had commissions for wedding and engagement rings.

In 2008, I was made redundant and decided to study bookkeeping, then worked in accounting roles until 2021. To be honest, I didn’t find it particularly interesting, but it did give me the skills to run my own business. My marriage broke up in 2017, and as a full-time mother of two boys, my life started changing in very positive ways. I had neglected my jewellery designing for several years, but after having hypnotherapy and learning to self-hypnotise, I began creating very organic pieces.

I made some as gifts for friends but noticed more the therapeutic effect it had on me.

When making and wearing these pieces, I experienced what I call my ‘spiritual shivers,’ which I know are healing shivers.

I began making contact with gemstone dealers and started designing and buying gemstones for a different range of pieces. All of the ideas came from my self-hypnosis sessions. I soon realised that gemstones, shapes, and things from nature had absolute healing meanings in all senses, as I would research afterwards and be surprised at their spiritual significance.

From 2021, I worked hard to build up unique stock where time and money would allow. In November 2022, I invested in and started building my website . I have many stock items but also take commissions to make pieces for clients, working closely with their ideas and budgets while incorporating healing aspects or particular gemstones that signify certain things for them.

Since 2021, I have been having tarot readings every few months for guidance but decided to get back into doing them myself.

I realised that the readings I did for myself & my friends were very accurate.

I had been suffering greatly from excruciating back pain due to osteoarthritis in a facet joint and severe stress, not helped by the pandemic and many personal issues. I had been having hypnotherapy and Shamanic drumming sessions via WhatsApp from my hypnotherapist, which had been very good, as well as some acupuncture in the past. During a tarot reading, the reader suggested learning something to do with healing, knowing I have spiritual, healing, and psychic abilities. I had a ‘light bulb’ moment and realised I wanted to study Reiki. I have always told my boys, ‘I have magic hands.’ They laugh, but they know it works on them and my pets too!

Last September, I decided to enroll with the BSY Group for their first-degree Reiki as a home study course. I gained my Distinction within two months and went straight on to study the second degree, where I also gained a Distinction two months afterward. I had both attunements via Zoom, which were amazing and enlightening, and I experienced even more of the healing shivers.

I have been giving Reiki treatments by distance healing while I find the right place to set up a practice and tarot readings by email, where I send a very detailed written meaning with photographs of the cards. I am able to give healing through both individually or as a combined treatment. I use a beautiful clear quartz crystal ball and other specific gemstones, as well as a set of handmade Chakra-influenced pendants, and easily pick up on energy, blocked Chakras, areas requiring work, and emotions.

Since September 2023, I have literally become pain-free and do not take any medication apart from a daily drink of Shilajit. I know the healing benefits of Reiki are amazing as a complementary therapy for physical, mental, and emotional illness.

A balanced mind and body are key to health & well-being if you are open to accepting it.

Main – Photo by kalai venthan gopal on Unsplash