Nurturing Inner Healing

Solveiga Smith
Written by Solveiga Smith

A Journey of Self-Discovery & Growth

When emotions, feelings, and sensations reside within us for a prolonged period without expression or release, our bodies manifest physical ailments. Working with people, every time after a session, I become convinced that our illnesses stem from our internal wounds and traumas from childhood and adolescence. These are the unspoken tears, the suppressed and concealed negative emotions of fear, lack of faith, despair, self-deprecation, lovelessness, and the belief that there is no help or way out. The notion that ‘I was born this way, this is my destiny, this is my life, and there is nothing more to aspire to’ are false beliefs and values imposed upon us. We were not born this way; it is not written in the book of our lives.

Photo by Aung Soe Min on Unsplash

It is never too late, and we are never too old to change, grow, or improve. We are capable of so much, yet we allow ourselves so little.

Permit yourself to experience the true essence of life.

Release negative emotions, memories, and anything that obstructs your progress. There is always hope; you must allow yourself to be happy. You don’t need wealth or excessive time to stop dwelling in the shadows; you only need to permit yourself to see the light.

Photo by Marcus Wallis on Unsplash

The biggest mistake in my healing journey was desiring rapid and substantial results without adequately understanding the effects of trauma within me. I used to meticulously outline goals and plans, and everything would progress smoothly until a certain point, where it would stagnate again. I would then berate myself, repeatedly branding myself as a failure. My expectations for myself used to be exceedingly high, and I failed to comprehend how my childhood trauma, despite having loving parents, impacted me. Now I understand. Healing is an ongoing journey; trauma has layers, and each day, we peel away rotten bits of ourselves like an onion. Small, consistent steps yield significant results. Five percent of your time to start is all you need. If you wish to read, exercise, or walk for 30 minutes or an hour daily, but at the outset of your journey, allocate only 5 percent of this time—baby steps, but every day.

Photo by Meg Jenson on Unsplash

The most crucial realisation is that the self that created the present circumstances, the present life, cannot create another one. You must initiate changes, no matter how small they seem, for you can traverse great distances with steady, incremental steps.

Practical Steps for Cultivating Inner Harmony and Self-fulfilment

  • Meditation doesn’t need to be lengthy; 10 to 15 minutes suffices, but make it a daily practice. Initially challenging, meditation becomes easier with time and is a pathway to inner peace.
  • Practice gratitude by maintaining a daily journal. Start listing five things, and add one new item each day.
  • Express gratitude for tomorrow by writing in the present tense each day as though your wishes have already materialised.
  • Monitor your inner dialogue. Commend yourself and reward yourself for accomplishments, no matter how small. Embrace your capabilities with pride.
  • Cease criticising and judging yourself. Mistakes are evidence of effort and ambition. View them as lessons and refrain from undermining your worth or abilities.
  • Craft a vision board as a powerful tool for manifestation.
  • Do not wait for external validation; provide yourself with the affirmations and praise you seek from others. Celebrate yourself, adore yourself, and revel in your existence. It’s not others’ opinions that matter, but our self-affirmations.
  • Allow yourself to embrace childlike joy. Dream, play, dance, and sing. Pursue childhood aspirations for happiness, irrespective of others’ expectations.
Photo by Alysha Rosly on Unsplash

In embracing these practical steps, we embark on a journey of self-empowerment and inner transformation. By nurturing gratitude, self-compassion, and joy, we unlock the potential for profound personal growth and fulfillment. Let us take these small but impactful actions each day, guiding ourselves toward a life filled with authenticity, purpose, and boundless possibility.

Main – Photo by Stephanie Harvey on Unsplash