Quantum Health Practices

Written by Lisa Gylsen

My health coaching philosophy is that – less is actually more. I am also open to new ideas and enjoy trying them out to see what feels right for me. 

Photo by Vlad Bagacian

I’ve recently come across the concept of Quantum Biology. There is more than one definition, but to me…it is looking at the body from the perspective of ancient wisdom, that our energy flows in and around us amplifying our basic biology.

Thus it is quantum, I daresay mystical, versus just basic biology.

So it could be simplified as the philosophy of getting back to the innate wisdom of our bodies in nature and experiencing renewed connection, peace, and increased vitality. This incorporates natural light, pure water, fresh air, and natural wholefoods. I may be simplifying it but that’s what I’m about.

So here’s what I’m currently up to in my quantum world to raise my voltage so I am charging & not discharging each day:

1. Sunrise Skygazing & Grounding

Standing barefoot on the grass at sunrise and gazing at that morning light. I believe that many of us have lost our innate connection to Nature which has a huge effect on our health. This is an easy practice and you only need to do it for a few minutes to receive the benefits. The flow of electrons from the earth to you starts immediately. Feel gratitude and wonder at the world around you and breathe deeply. And even though it’s winter here in the UK, I actually don’t mind the cold. It feels special to do this and I feel energised for the day.

2. Drinking Pure Filtered Water

I actually structure my water with a terahertz wand which charges it, providing more electromagnetic energy to the mitochondria. Our cells contain structured water and it’s one of the ways they maintain energy production and communicate with each other. Even if you can’t structure your water, at least filter it as there are so many toxic chemicals in tap water. If you are out without your water bottle then drink mineral water bottled in glass, not plastic which leaches chemicals into the water. Water has amazing properties and intelligence, yes intelligence. You will be totally blown away by the following video showing the true magic of water. It is a must-watch (8 minutes).

3. Human Garage

A free fascia reset programme. The body holds emotions, toxins, and trauma with these stressors being major factors of disease. Eliminate the stress then let the body heal itself. Fascia is the most powerful organ in the body. It holds the muscles, bones, organs, and nervous system. When we reprogram the fascia, the body transforms mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. There are 1-day, 3-day, 7-day, and 28-day Resets. Start with one, and work your way through all of them in about 20 minutes a day.

4. Quantum Biofeedback

Of course, I also run my own frequencies daily. This is my favourite health hack. I can work on something specific that I want to deal with or I can just balance whatever is out of balance to maintain homeostasis and coherence in my body and life.

Try these yourself & let me know how you feel.

If you’d like to discuss how frequency balancing could benefit you, book your free 15-minute consultation here.

Main – Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash