Reducing your sugar consumption

Michele Buchanan
Written by Michele Buchanan

The modern-day diet has resulted in the average person consuming excessive amounts of sugars on a daily basis, most of which are from processed and refined carbohydrates like cereals, bread, biscuits, convenience foods etc.

The average person consumes 17 teaspoons of sugar per day which is 11 teaspoons above the recommended amount for women and 9 teaspoons above for men. 

When we over eat sugar we create rapid spikes and declines in our blood sugar levels leaving us feeling tired, agitated and potentially craving even more sugar for a short term energy boost. However, it’s not just our blood sugar levels that can be negatively impacted. When we eat more sugar than the body can use our hormone health is also affected.

This happens because we may start to release excessive amounts of certain hormones such as Insulin and Cortisol. High levels of Cortisol in the blood stream when not  expelled can mean we experience a number of unpleasant symptoms such as disrupted digestion, brain fog, slow metabolism, weakened ability to fight infection, sleeplessness, tiredness, become socially overwhelmed, and loss of motivation.

Sugar indulgence may also disrupt the female sex hormones as excessive amounts in the body are known to  influence the woman’s ability to ovulate properly. When the female body doesn’t experience  ovulation it can lead to estrogen dominance due to progesterone not being released. Women who are estrogen dominant may not only see an increase in fat cells around the abdomen, which can bring amount other health risks. They may also experience changes in sleep, appetite, have higher perceived stress, experience ailments such as endometriosis and/or have general reproductive issues.

While knowing this information may drive you to want to remove sugar from your diet, you may find it a challenge as scientific research advises sugar can be as addictive as cocaine  meaning withdrawal symptoms may be experienced by some when attempts are made to remove it from the diet.

4 Easy Steps to reduce sugar intake:

There are ways you can be successful if you follow these 4 easy steps.

Step 1 – Removal of sugary foods in the house to reduce the temptation.

Step 2 – Reduce the amount of sugary beverages you drink including alcoholic beverages

Step 3 – Swap artificial sugars for natural sugars such as fruit

Step 4 – Eat foods rich in fibre, and those that are bitter. These foods include green leafy vegetables, wholegrains, and healthy fats such as avocado, oily fish, nuts, and seeds.

Following these 4 steps won’t just help you curb your sugar cravings but will also support better hormone health which may have been disrupted.

Main photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash