Relief for Chronic Headaches

Sam Rowley
Written by Sam Rowley

As someone who has battled chronic headaches for years, I’ve often sought relief through various means, from over-the-counter medications to alternative therapies. When Robert Spratley (Rebalance Chiropractic) an ABC chiropractor, visited the office to discuss headaches and potential solutions, I was intrigued.

Rob’s presentation was both informative and engaging. He began by discussing the different types of headaches and then explaining the common causes of headaches, ranging from tension and stress to poor posture and spinal misalignments. What struck me immediately was his emphasis on the holistic approach to headache management. Rather than simply masking the pain with medications, he advocated for addressing the root cause of the issue.

One aspect that impressed me was Rob’s depth of knowledge regarding the spine’s role in overall health. He eloquently explained how misalignments in the spine and tilt of the pelvis can lead to nerve interference, which in turn can trigger headaches. His explanation and images of proper spinal alignment and its impact on alleviating tension was eye-opening.

Throughout the presentation, Rob encouraged questions and participation, fostering an interactive atmosphere. He patiently addressed each query, further enhancing our understanding of chiropractic care’s benefits in headache management.

Video by Jeff Aberle

By the end of the presentation, I felt inspired to explore chiropractic care as a potential solution for my headaches. Rob’s expertise, coupled with genuine concern for individuals’ well-being, left a lasting impression. I would highly recommend anyone struggling with chronic headaches to consider consulting with him for a holistic approach to relief.

Rebalance Chiropractic is based on Stanford Road, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 8ET

Main – Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

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