What is Yin Yoga?
Earlier this year, while contemplating significant life changes, it was suggested that I journal daily for five consecutive days, specifically writing down what I wanted in that moment—anything goes, literally. Whether I wanted longer hair, an ice cream, a cup of tea, or a holiday in Bali—there were no wrong answers, and it was never meant to be shown to anyone! The goal was to allow my inner desires to surface, starting each day anew without referring to the previous day’s writing, giving space for fresh needs, wants, and desires to emerge.
What a revelation! After completing the five days, the next step was to look back and reflect. Were there any recurring themes or patterns? Could I now see what I truly wanted and needed?
For me, a strong theme emerged daily: “I want stillness,” “I want rest,” “I want quietness.” The message was clear!
Every day, I was managing a full schedule, trying to balance a demanding job, a never-ending to-do list, and making time to stay healthy with good diet and exercise. I made time for those things—but what about stillness?
My extended yoga studies led me to Yin Yoga. This contemporary and beautiful style of yoga is deeply connected to the ancient yogic science of finding stillness and cultivating a peaceful mind.
Yin yoga involves significantly fewer postures than other styles, typically practising only five to seven postures per session. Each posture should be personalised so that you can be completely comfortable and relaxed, with minimal muscle tension, as they are held in stillness for around three minutes.
Physically, Yin yoga gently stresses the deeper layers of the body, reaching the fascia, myofascia, ligaments, joints, and bones. The suggested benefits include injury prevention, as the practice hydrates and increases flexibility, addressing potential mobility issues as the body ages when the fascia tissues may harden.
By committing to stillness for a few minutes (which is why it’s so important to be truly comfortable), the mind slows down too. By the end of a Yin yoga session, I feel relaxed, energised, refreshed—and even ready to continue into meditation, should I wish to.
On my website, What I Do, you’ll find more about Yin Yoga, as well as a short course that I am offering FREE for a limited time. I invite you to try it for yourself—and find your own sense of stillness through the beautiful practice of Yin Yoga!
Thank you for reading my article. Please keep an eye out for my forthcoming piece, where I’ll share how to find your yoga when life throws challenges your way—including how to do yoga when you can’t do yoga, inspired by my own recent experiences with a foot injury, severe sciatica, and wrist issues!
Main – Photo by Надя Кисільова on Unsplash