The Benefits of Sound Healing
Sound healing is a sound/vibration energy, which can not only enter our body through the ears but also through the body in its entirety.
The Vagus (Latin for wandering) nerve is the longest nerve in the body, which originates in the brain, and travels down to the lower internal organs and sits on both the left and right sides of our body. It is the core regulator (the main nerve) of our parasympathetic nervous system, which controls all involuntary processes, such as digestion, heartbeat, respiration etc. and can be profoundly influenced by the vibration of sound.
By listening to sound, chanting, humming, and gargling – a vibration in the throat/neck can be created, which can target the Vagus nerve. It can then report what’s going on in your organs to the brain. Once activated by sound, the Vagus nerve can help to clear energetic blockages.
The Vagus nerve is our body’s ‘superpower’!
When this nerve is activated by using sound (singing, playing an instrument, listening to music etc) it can restart relaxation after stress or danger in relation to our fight or flight response. It may also help you to feel calmer, more compassionate and clear the mind. The Vagus nerve releases a substance (Vagusstoff) when stimulated which slows the heart rate and brings the body into a state of relaxation. We can, therefore, strengthen our body, recover, and relax better by stimulating the Vagus nerve on a regular basis.

Sound can affect the body in an incredible way. It can change your mood and play with your emotions. If you are feeling fed up, you may put a song on that makes you feel happy/joyous to improve your mood.
We did a practical for this course. We listened to two tunes which had different hertz. One tune was 440htz and the other 432htz. We were asked to record how both tracks made us feel. Was there a difference between the two tracks or even a difference in myself? Yes, there was!
The 432htz tune felt like it had more depth. It was calm but uplifting at the same time. On the other hand, the 440htz tune made me want to get up and dance. This practical showed us that certain tunes affect us in different ways. Therefore, if meditating – you should listen to tunes that will help you to relax, however, when exercising you may want to have a playlist with an upbeat rhythm to get you pumped up…etc.

I have always been interested in sound and its healing properties. Over the years, I have tried using drums, flutes, and many other different instruments to connect to a deeper level of sound, however, none really stuck with me from a healing, relaxing or connective perspective, until I came across the Celtic Tree tuning forks. I instantly felt a connection. Each time I use them, the experience is different and the power they have is magical. I am intrigued by the healing they offer me, as well as others (pets, nature, clients, family…etc).
Sound therapy is an ancient and primal form of healing.
Sound therapy is an ancient and primal form of healing. It can assist with influencing mood, as well as physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. Even when we are not expecting it to help, it can. It anchors the mind to the present moment which allows you to let go of stale and stagnant energies that no longer serve you. Sound therapy relaxes us on a different dimensional level, which in turn alleviates physical pains and tensions, that build up within us due to the influences of the world we live in.