Spring is In the Air!

Cleansing Practices

In Ayurvedic tradition, a cleansing of the body and mind should take place at the beginning of each season. During this transitional phase, both physical elements and energies are changing. During an equinox, our bodies naturally detoxify more. Therefore, we can prepare for this and support our bodies in cleansing, ensuring that the paths of elimination are clear. It is time for our bodies to process the toxicity in readiness for the peak of Spring when our liver and gallbladder (our detoxing organs) are most active.

Photo by Efe Ersoy

Some suggestions for seasonal cleansing for mind, body & soul are:

Spring clean the house and the kitchen – clear out the old and that which you no longer use. The physical state of your house can hugely affect the energy – notice how much lighter and better you feel after having a good clear out and deep clean.

Clean your mind (start journaling, meditation, pranayama, mindfulness practices, movement practices such as yoga, tai chi, and dance). Take a look at your routines for work and life in general.

Where can you make adjustments for the better?

Where do you need to shift your focus?

Become more organised?

Make a list and commit to starting one new thing from today!

Can you become more disciplined with social media / electronic devices?

Set specific time aside each day to respond to messages, attend to online work, and stick to it without becoming distracted.

Extend your decluttering efforts to your digital life. Sort through emails, delete unnecessary files, unsubscribe from irrelevant notifications, and streamline your social media presence.

Photo by Lacie Slezak on Unsplash

Look at the beauty products you use and the routine you follow…

Can you switch to more natural, healthier alternatives?

In Ayurveda, we say that you should not put anything onto your skin that you are not able to eat – that it should be fresh, natural, and pure. The skin is the largest organ; it breathes and absorbs whatever is put onto it, which in turn goes into the bloodstream – so it is equally important that we are “feeding” our skin with nourishing, healthy, chemical-free products.

Photo by Kimia Zarifi on Unsplash

If you suffer from allergies, use a “jal neti” – a water pot to irrigate the sinus cavities and clear out the nasal passages. Use one-quarter teaspoon of Himalayan (or natural) salt with half a litre of warm purified water, and use half a pot for each nostril. Ensure the salt is fully dissolved in the water first. Always end your jal neti routine by ensuring all water has been fully flushed out (practicing kapalabhati following this can help) and massage sesame oil or nasya oil into each nostril, once dry. (Do not use a neti pot if you have an active sinus infection; it is for prevention, not treatment).

Note – that it is important to ensure the nasal passages are completely dry after the practice to prevent infection.
Like any other yogic practice, learn it from an expert practitioner.  For further advice on this feel free to contact me.
Jal Neti goes much beyond nasal cleansing and helps in aligning your body, mind and soul. (Do not use this method if you have an active sinus infection; Note that this practice is for prevention, rather than treatment. And therefore is recommended as part of a regular yogic cleansing practice).  

Detox drink: Add lemon, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, and black pepper to the diet, as they stimulate and detoxify. Make a cleansing tea with these ingredients each morning and start the day with this. Bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for a few minutes, allow to steep for a while before straining and serving. You can add raw honey once it’s cooled a little or jaggery powder to sweeten.

Drink warm (not cold) water throughout the day.

As always, eat seasonally and make the most of the fruits and vegetables coming into season now. Eat warm, freshly cooked (not overcooked) foods – vegetable soups and stews are perfect, with millets, quinoa, and barley. Salads can also be incorporated into the diet from spring.

In season at the moment in the UK/Europe are vegetables and fruit, such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, leeks, cauliflower, parsnips, spinach, swede, sweet potato, and apples.

In northern India, vegetables and fruit in season right now, include apple gourd, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, French beans, okra, sponge gourd, radish, watermelon, and spinach.

Bottle gourd juice is an amazing detoxifying, cleansing drink. This vegetable is in season now in India and is rich in vitamin C, K, calcium, and zinc. The cleansing properties of this vegetable are especially effective and known for cleansing the colon, improving gut health, promoting healthy skin, and overall wellness. It is important that the juice is taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and at least an hour before eating for it to be most effective.