Stay cool in summer with Ayurveda

Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation

Photo by Tim Samuel

Practice slow mindful and restorative yoga asana regularly and ensure exercise and more warming, dynamic asana is practiced early morning.

Mudras (yogic hand gestures) – for connecting with water

Jala Mudra (Mudra of Water) is a hand gesture practiced using the thumb and little finger. The little finger represents the element of water, this practice balances the water element in the body.  Jala Mudra is also known as the “seal of mental clarity”.

This mudra can be practiced during spiritual practices such as meditation, pranayama or therapeutic yoga practices. Since 70% of our bodies are made of water, this mudra brings numerous therapeutic benefits and with regular practice, over time can assist in relieving various ailments such as psoriasis (dry itchy skin patches), dry eczema, helps regulate menstrual cycles and hormonal issues etc. This is especially helpful for those who suffer from excessive Vata Dosha, where often there is a tendency towards dryness of skin, tissues, joints, throat, hair and dehydration in general. Jala Mudra or Varuna Mudra helps with the re-hydration of joints, tissues, cartilages, skin etc.

Pranayama – using breath, to balance and expand pranic energy:-

I recommend a teacher guiding you through these practices as part of an integrated personalised approach and practice.  They are techniques I also share and teach in Yoga and as part of my offerings.

Detoxing and Cleansing

Whilst traditionally Autumn and Spring are the best times to cleanse and detox, summer time is a good time to give the digestive system a boost, because agni (digestive fire) is often low at this time of year, as the body tries to stay cool by spreading heat throughout the body.

Simple gentle ways to support detoxing during this time are:-

  • Staying hydrated – Hydration is essential during the summer. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out toxins and keep your body cool. You can also infuse water with fresh herbs like mint, coriander, or cucumber for added flavour and detoxifying benefits.
  • Drinking lemon Water: Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice. This helps stimulate digestion, detoxify the liver, and alkalize the body. You can also add a pinch of Himalayan salt or a teaspoon of honey for additional benefits.
  • Taking herbal supplements such as Triphala: Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal formula consisting of three fruits: Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry), Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. It supports digestion, detoxification, and elimination. Take half a teaspoon of Triphala powder mixed with warm water before bedtime to aid in supporting and cleansing the digestive system.
  • Taking ghee daily (in small quantity and as part of a balanced diet) – as outlined above.
  • Keep moving and eating healthily – Gentle exercise and healthy diet eating a range of seasonal fruits and vegetables available at this time of year as advised above.
  • Practice Yoga and meditation daily (which includes pranayama techniques), this naturally supports detoxing and balancing of the system overall.
  • My partner and I recently tried a gentle castor oil cleanse, which helps support digestion, clear out toxins and increase agni (digestive fire) through cleaning out the colon.

Please note that the information contained within this article is based on principles of healthy living from my knowledge of Ayurveda.  The information, techniques and recommendations mentioned herein are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a qualified healthcare physician or Ayurvedic doctor. If in doubt, or if you may require diagnosis or medical attention, consult your healthcare provider before implementing or adopting any significant diet or lifestyle changes and taking any herbal supplements. 

Wishing you a happy, healthy, cool and vibrant summer!

With love, Corinne x

Main photo by Zwaddi on Unsplash