… In Challenging Times
With all the tension in the collective recently, it may be challenging to stay positive and focused on your path. You may be feeling distracted, confused, or weary from it all, especially if you have been making big strides all year and had been feeling positive. Perhaps you feel as if the sense of separation from one another is growing wider and that the chances of achieving any level of peace and unity on Earth are very slim.

However, there is a sense of dèjà vu about it all. We have been down this road before in different ways, and we can learn from those previous experiences. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. Maybe, on this occasion, we can try our best to avoid getting sucked into the narrative of fear and other emotions. Instead, we could open our eyes to how all this can distract us from our own inner spiritual work. Maybe we need to start looking at the bigger picture of where all this fits within the overall divine plan.
Being human, we too often jump at any opportunity to distract ourselves from doing the inner work that raises our consciousness. It is very easy to go into blame mode and finger-pointing. As we do so, we subconsciously sabotage our own spiritual progress. Now more than ever, we need to keep on track, stay true to our paths, and focus on what we are here to create in the long run.
Responsibility is a taboo word and can be triggering for many, as it places us in the driving seat of our own lives, which can be very challenging. We often find it more comforting to place responsibility on others. We all do it to some degree, but we must keep focused on the fact that we are sovereign beings who ultimately have power over our own lives and what we create. No matter what is going on, it does not change the fact that we are powerful beings of Light. The more people start to trust this, the more we can create the change we so desperately long for in our world.
Inner Harmony
As the year draws to a close, we are all being invited to go within and reflect on our own imbalances and sense of disharmony.
Where could we create more balance within ourselves?
How could we be more tolerant and forgiving of ourselves and others?
How can we start to lead more from love?
What do we need to release in order to feel more at peace within ourselves?
This is a chance to integrate the shadow aspects of ourselves we have found challenging to face.
Feminine Consciousness
Working with and embracing our feminine consciousness is a powerful way to tune into a more heart-centred way of being and listen to the voice of our souls. It allows us to let go of the ego and mind and embrace unconditional love. We can receive from the goddess within us and allow her wisdom to guide us.
I invite you to go within, heal any disharmony and imbalance, and release anything—big or small—that is blocking you from living from a place of greater peace and unconditional love.
Nóra Therèse
Main – Photo by Lili Popper on Unsplash