Stress at your Humble Service!

Photo by Emma Li


Daily we live through different experiences that need to be processed by our psyche. And if we can’t process them – our psyche will have “hiccups” attempting to do so again and again. Usually, the reason is some shocking event that left a traumatic imprint.

“Thirty per cent of us have experienced childhood trauma, which for most means feeling more threat from and vigilance toward daily stressors”.[7] Trauma could lead to overreaction even on minor stressors. Unresolved trauma will run in the background, making you more vulnerable to unhealthy chronic stress.

When your baseline level of stress is high, it can make it difficult for you to achieve a relaxation response. Trauma, regardless of its size, can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. However, it’s important to recognise that healing from trauma is possible and available to everyone. To do so, may require courage, personal responsibility, and seeking professional help to ensure your safety during the healing process.

Dimension V [TIMESPAN].
Chronic stress vs. Short-run stress response.

Chronic stress can cause us to become stuck in a perpetual state of stress, which can be dangerous and detrimental to our health. It’s important to recognise that being in this state for prolonged periods of time can deplete our life forces and prevent our bodies from naturally restoring and regenerating. We must prioritise time for recovery.

On the other hand, positive short-term stress, also known as eustress, can have beneficial effects on our health, resilience, and overall well-being. In fact, “manageable positive stress has been found to improve the health and regenerative life span of our cells, which is the opposite of what long-term toxic stress does”[8].

Our bodies are designed to recover from stress quickly, and we can train ourselves to master stress by finding what types of exposure work best for us, such as ice bathing or short, high-intensity training.

Dimension VI [BODY & ENERGY].
Exhaustion vs. Activation

The human body is a remarkably intelligent system that provides numerous clues about our state of being. It’s crucial to listen to our bodies to identify when we are running low on energy or approaching exhaustion. These signals can indicate when it’s appropriate to utilise stress as a motivator, and when it’s necessary to take a break to restore energy. Taking time to care for oneself is a vital aspect of maintaining physical and mental wellness. Various relaxation techniques can aid in reducing stress levels, so it’s essential to find the most effective practice for your needs and make it a part of your daily routine.

Understanding your limits and recognising when your stress levels have reached a point of exhaustion is key to staying in an optimal range. Mind your energy balance.


[6] “All traumatic events are stressful …”. Peter Levine Healing trauma study guide
[7] Epel, E., PhD. (2022). The Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease. National Geographic Books.
[8] Epel, E., PhD. (2022). The Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease. National Geographic Books.