Taking The Flake Out Of Your Female Health?

Abi Adams
Written by Abi Adams

And I’m not talking about the flake you find in a Mr. Whippy!

How often have you started some healthy plan/goal only to fall out of sync and love with it when it doesn’t fit in with your day-to-day life?

I want to celebrate the fact that the above has NOTHING to do with your ability to be healthy. It’s to do with society not valuing or appreciating female health and what it really needs.

I received an email from a client who had a very brief phone call with me in regard to her debilitating bleeds. She told me that her first bleed after our chat was a game changer; no pain or emotional shipwrecks. But after a few months, they returned. The proof was in the pudding and I pulled her on this comment:

“I take supplements here and there”.

The way you do anything is the way you do everything. When I first heard this quote it hit right at the jugular and it’s made me look at everything I do since (even the washing up, which I bloody hate). If you do one thing here and there, you do everything here and there. Her response after I pulled her?

“WOAH Abi 😭 You’re completely right. I definitely needed that kick up the a***. It’s so true and I will try taking this into account this month. Thank you so much for that, very appreciated”.

She’ll also be replacing the word TRY with I WILL in due course 😉 Words express beliefs and beliefs create realities.

We all need a kick up the a*** at times, myself included (the thing is, I actually LOVE them 😂 ). But the kick needs to come from someone that truly values your female health and encourages you to click them into a place you can access every single bloody (all puns intended) day.

Big love
Abi x

Are you ready for a radical approach to your female health that lifts the patriarchal grip of your health so you can reach your life goals sane and intact?

Book a call here.

Main – Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash