The Awakening of the Feeling Body

Gabriella Ozi
Written by Gabriella Ozi

My integrated practice of “The Dance of Yoga” was born through the process of a natural evolution. My varied and colourful experiences through yoga, dance and energy healing started to teach me and guide me how to deeply listen within. I was so amazed and enthusiastic about the teaching that i heard through my inner voice, that i happily trusted the divine wisdom that flowed through my heart and my whole being. Simply because it felt so right and resonated with me so clearly. What i always loved about my personal yoga practice was how it made me feel. Definitely better! And so much more. It was the time for intimate calm and being in the constant flow of my breath, which allowed me the time and the space to feel myself from head to toe. I felt safe, nurtured and comforted by sensing that the space around me and in me was filled with positivity, lightness, peace, joy, and inspiration. I also experienced a new sense of openness around me that penetrated my skin.


Practising at fast paced yoga classes, not having enough time to feel what i was doing, forgetting to breathe in the midst of rigorous instructions by the teachers.  All of these were constantly pulling me out of my inner world and were stopping me from enjoying my own yoga experience, although these were telling me a profound truth. Slowing down and feeling our yoga practice is essential to enjoy the benefits of yoga. When i practice this way, a random 5 minutes can do its magic. I learnt that feeling our yoga practice opens the door for sensing yoga beyond; experiencing our subtle bodies and the infinite source of energy that surrounds us. The more we are in touch with our energetic bodies, the more healing is being offered to us. I see this as the most essential value of yoga.

I love the empowerment that our practice can offer us by simply learning to enjoy our practice in the first place. When our focus is on being in touch with how we feel in each moment, we develop a deep sense of listening within. We are constantly in tune with our deep energetic wisdom which creates a heightened sense of awareness to move our bodies in the safest way possible by respecting what feels right and what does not. We learn to nurture our bodies and to enjoy the slow, deep and flowing movements that shows us how to find effortlessness and lightness in our practice.

At “The Dance of Yoga” workshops I teach you how to go within and constantly encourage you and guide you to express your practice from the Inside Out. The conscious and varied use of our breath offers us a powerful tool to find our inner core connection and learn how to support it with our breath. By learning and understanding “full body breathing”, we learn to feel with our whole body. By harmoniously merging your body, breath and movement, you will increase the sensitivity, spaciousness and fluidity in your body and your mind. As your body starts to open and readily receive the pranic energy, your practice becomes a meditation. With a new sense of heightened awareness and openness, we explore creative approaches to meditation including mudras, visualisation, sound healing and affirmations that resonate with our own being. At the end of each practice you will leave feeling nurtured and recharged from head to toe.