The Cost of One Brownie: or How to Reclaim Your Life

Sonya Maness-Turner

Forty unwanted pounds on my 5’4” frame was physically and emotionally exhausting. My health was at risk for pre-diabetes, stroke, heart disease, etc. I carried over 40 pounds of shame and humiliation. I quit weighing myself. I was addicted.

My gateway drug was one brownie. Shamefully, I would eat a pan of brownies, half a brick of ice cream or a sleeve of a certain mint cookie in one sitting. I knew better, yet I did this for years. I loathed the fat person I saw in the mirror. Sweets held me hostage.

Diets and diet pills were torturous, gym memberships useless. Punishing workouts and restrictive diets only made me want what I couldn’t have even more. I felt weak because I didn’t have the “willpower” to achieve my weight goals. Yet I was desperate to drop weight for my health and ultimately for my happiness. Sound familiar?

Now, over 40 pounds later, I wear what I want and buy clothes I love. I easily choose healthy foods, And I can still enjoy a brownie, but this time, by choice. I am no longer controlled by cravings or urges.

Can you reclaim your life like I did?

YES! Whether your vice is sugar, chips, fast food, or something else, you can feel empowered almost immediately to change your weight and reclaim your life.

Photo by J Yeo on Unsplash

Let’s understand why we eat more than enough to survive…

Our brains constantly send messages to our cells to operate our heart, lungs, kidneys, and all systems necessary to sustain life. Neuroscience confirms 95% of everything we do in a day is driven by our subconscious programming.

We begin with programming to sleep and eat to develop fully into a perfect human at birth. Babies know when they are full. They push away breast or bottles or spit out the last spoon of food to signal ‘enough’. We are wired to eat only enough to survive.

What goes wrong & how does that relate to weight gain?

Grandma said clean your plate or have another slice of pie because she loves you and wants you to grow big and strong. You thought, “food = love. Grandma wants me to grow big and strong.” Your older sister knocked you out of the way to grab the last cupcake. You thought, “if I was bigger, I’d knock her out of the way”. Someone at school said something mean about you. Your teacher dismissed it. You thought, “if I was bigger, I could defend myself.”

Your own experiences were different, but a similar pattern of thinking, “if only I was bigger life would be better,” emerged. Your subconscious worked out how to help you go from discomfort to comfort. For many of us, ‘bigger’ means weight gain. Despite efforts to lose weight, your body holds onto excess weight because your brain still believes it must help you get ‘bigger’ to help you or to protect you.

What can you do about it?

Tips you can put into practice right now that are easy.

  • First, use better words. The words we say and the images we make in our head program our subconscious all the time. Our subconscious doesn’t care if it’s true or false, right or wrong, good or bad. Give it only the best words that support what you want. For example:
    • Weight Loss is an awful term. When you lose a loved one or lose your keys or lose your job or lose your mind, those are awful things. When you gain a friend or gain a promotion or gain advantage, those are perceived as desirable things. Our mind is programmed to take us from pain to pleasure, so stop using “loss” or “gain” when talking about weight. Change your words to dropping, shedding, letting go of excess weight, etc… and never think of gaining weight again.
    • You think, “I love cake”. No, you don’t. You love people. You eat food. Change what you think about what you eat. For example, choose to really like broccoli, but choose to feel indifferent to cake. Remember your subconscious doesn’t know if it’s true/false, right/wrong, good/bad. Lie to yourself about food until it becomes a new program in your subconscious mind.
  • Second, think of your stomach as being the size of your fist. Make a fist as you sit down to eat to remind you how big your stomach is and pay attention to the feeling of fullness that comes when you eat slowly, savoring each bite of food. Your body produces natural hormones, ghrelin and leptin, to signal when you are hungry and full.
  • Third, seek a qualified hypnotherapist to help you speak directly to your subconscious to reframe your relationship with food. Tell your hypnotherapist what you really want. Hypnosis is not mind control. Rapid Transformational Therapy® method uses deep relaxation to help you have a meaningful conversation with your subconscious under the guidance of a skilled hypnotherapist. This is where you learn what is stuck and how to release it and reprogram your subconscious to give you the change you desire, often in 1 to 3 sessions.

Our subconscious has a set of rules it runs our lives by. It learns by repetition. It looks for patterns of thought in response to each new experience. Proven patterns have priority because, well, we are still alive. By changing the programming, I reclaimed my life.

Over 3 years ago, I dropped more than 40 pounds and kept it off. No diet, no gym, no pills. By understanding why I was hooked on sugar, I let go of old programming to learn new thoughts and behaviour patterns. It was ridiculously easy. I still eat brownies, but no longer the whole pan. I wear what I want and I live life on my terms.

My clients have experienced similar success. Nonprofit executive director, Georgia M. recently stated…

“Before working with Sonya, I was overweight and embarrassed to accompany my husband who is in great shape. After only two days of reframing, I had lost all desire for snacks, was constantly aware that my stomach is the size of my fist and that I didn’t need more food than that.   Five months later, I am thirty pounds lighter, my posture has improved, and I am much happier with myself.  My weight loss was slow and steady, so I feel confident that the pounds will stay off.  Our minds have so much more power than we normally use.  Let Sonya show you how to tap into that amazing resource and make the changes that you truly desire.”

What is stopping you?

Drop excess weight forever and reclaim your life. Tell your subconscious what you want, what you really, truly want and let your mind work for you as it was originally programmed to be. Contact me today for a no obligation, no pressure call to get all your questions answered. After we talk, you decide and if hypnotherapy feels right for you, let’s do this!

I am a clinically certified Rapid Transformational Therapy® practitioner. I can help you drop weight, keep it off, and reclaim your life.

See more about my work by clicking here

Main – Photo by Aneta Voborilova on Unsplash