You’ve Been Asking, Here’s My Answer

Anne-Marie Pereira
Written by Anne-Marie Pereira

Understanding Your Fertility Journey


Our bodies have an incredible way of reflecting our inner worlds, especially when it comes to fertility. The female body, in particular, utilises times of hormonal peaks to bring to the surface unresolved issues that we may not have dealt with in the past. From puberty to monthly cycles and later in life, these hormonal fluctuations can act as a catalyst for self-discovery and personal growth.

I’ve had the privilege of working with many women who have faced various challenges on their fertility journey. Through our sessions, we have uncovered the profound connection between their inner world and their physical bodies. Today, I want to share some of these stories and insights to provide a comprehensive understanding of the profound impact that our emotional well-being can have on our fertility.

Understanding your body and embracing your unique fertility journey is not just about conceiving; it’s about connecting with your inner self, finding peace in your mind, and joy in your heart.

Let’s embark on this empowering journey together.

The Power of Choice: Reclaiming Our Experience of Womanhood

Influence of Past Experiences

Adolescence is a transformative phase in a young woman’s life. As the body undergoes hormonal changes, it also becomes a time for emotional and psychological growth. We must recognise that any trauma associated with the monthly cycle, whether it stems from physical pain or mental health issues, is predominantly influenced by the women who surrounded us as we grew up. I came to this understanding when I realised that my menstrual pain wasn’t really mine, but stemmed from the pain I had learned to feel because of my mother’s own experience. I learned from a very young age that monthly pains were normal and supposed to happen.

What if all of this pain wasn’t ours to bear, and we could decide to not feel it anymore and experience a different way of being a woman?

Decoding Menstrual Health Symptoms

In regards to fertility, I have had for example the experience of working with clients who, for some reason, stopped having their period for months and sometimes even years. It’s true, our bodies have extraordinary ways of protecting us. The challenge is that most of the time, as adults, it’s still protecting us from something we went through years and years ago and that we have already overcome and most of the times don’t even remember. We grow up, but our subconscious mind doesn’t – it’s still protecting the very young version of ourselves thinking it’s still doing a useful job today – when it’s not!

Your Body Holds Extraordinary Wisdom

Understanding the Connection Between Body and Mind

Understanding the connection between our fertility body and our inner world can be transformative for anyone on a fertility journey. Understanding why our body is acting a certain way is key on a fertility journey. Having questions answered, understanding that whatever is happening, it’s happening for a certain reason, that our body is not working against us but for us 24/7, is life-changing and can repair our fertility body.

Reflective Questions for Understanding Your Fertility Journey

Based on my experience of what I’ve seen happening over the years I’ve been working with women going through fertility challenges, let me ask you the following questions that I hope will help you understand better your very unique journey:

  • Have you ever felt scared about giving birth because of something scary you saw or heard when you were younger?
  • What if your body is trying to keep you away from hospitals and clinics, from a deep rooted fear not even related to fertility?
  • Does sadness and worry about past fertility experiences make it hard for you to stop being scared of the past repeating itself again and again?
  • What if the sadness and worry about something sad that happened before, makes it impossible to stop being scared of going through the same traumatic experience again?
  • Do you worry about making the same mistakes as your parents when raising your child?
  • Have you been worrying about how having a baby might change your independence and relationship with your partner?
  • What if it’s hard for you to emotionally connect with your child once they’re born?
  • What if your age is influencing how you see yourself as a mother, how society will view you and how your child will perceive you?
  • Does your age influence how you see yourself as a mother, how society views you, and how your child might perceive you in the future?
  • Are you concerned that having a baby might impact your professional life and disrupt your years of hard work?
  • What if you’re afraid your body will change so much during pregnancy that you won’t recognise yourself as a woman?

Feel free to reflect on these questions as you explore your unique fertility journey.

By honouring your body’s extraordinary wisdom, you can gain a profound understanding of your fertility and strengthen your connection with yourself, appreciating that every aspect of your journey has significance.

Embracing Your Unique Fertility Journey

Have Unwavering Faith

While we can’t predict the future, it’s important to have strong belief in yourself. Focus on things that support your journey and make you feel good. Surround yourself with positive people and places. Choose to consume things that help you build confidence that you are in the right path, at the right time, doing the right thing to achieving your dream of becoming a mother.

Celebrate Small Wins for Big Success

It’s important to celebrate small wins because they can add up to big victories. Many of us have been taught to be hard on ourselves when we make mistakes and to not celebrate our successes, no matter how small they may be. It’s essential to learn how to celebrate and to say positive things to yourself, like “You’re doing great!”, “Your body knows what to do!”, “You can do it!”, “I’m kind to myself”, “You are doing everything you can”.

Photo by Prateek Katyal

Remember: You Know Better What’s Best for You

When we’ve been on this journey for years, we’ve learned that in the end it seems like others know more about us than we do. We think they know what’s best for us, but that’s not true. Remember, no one knows better than you – do what’s best for you and your baby. Take back your power, trust in yourself and your fertility, no matter what you hear or see happening around you.

Cultivate Happiness in Times of Challenges

Discover ways to find happiness and joy even when facing difficulties during your fertility journey. Take time to notice moments of happiness, make a list of things you appreciate as they happen on your journey. Learn from everything that occurs. Try your hardest to see the positive side of challenging events.

Ask yourself, what have I learned?

How have I grown as a person, as a woman, and as a future mother?

Keep a positive mindset close to you during the highs and lows of the journey.


Exploring the profound connection between emotional health and fertility, it becomes evident that our bodies hold extraordinary wisdom that can guide you on your unique journey towards motherhood. Through understanding the profound impact of past experiences on our present fertility challenges, you can empower yourself to reclaim your fertility and embrace the empowering essence of choice.

Reflecting on the stories and insights shared, we are reminded that honouring our bodies and the wisdom they possess is essential in repairing and strengthening our fertility body. Through introspective questioning and exploring the core origins of your fears and worries, you can come to decipher the complexities that may be impacting our fertility journey.

Image by Silvia from Pixabay

Embracing your fertility journey is about having unwavering faith in yourself, celebrating every small win and having faith in you above all else. Embracing happiness and joy in the face of challenges is essential, learning and growing from each experience as we progress towards the ultimate goal of motherhood.

Remember, the power to shape your fertility journey lies within you.

By connecting with your inner self, finding peace in your mind, and joy in your heart, you can navigate this empowering journey with confidence.

Are you ready to take the next step towards embracing your fertility journey fully?

Click here to book your free clarity call with me today and let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

Main – Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash