and The Ancient Egyptian Mystery School
The ancient Egyptian texts refer to a Golden Time, a different era, a time before our own recorded history, when human beings lived in the high consciousness of the enlightened self. For many of us, this first time lies hidden in the memory of our soul. And through spiritual practices with the Light of ancient Egypt, we start to lift the veil and remember our eternal nature. To describe this incredible vibration the ancient Egyptians used the term HEKA, meaning, “the invisible Divine power that rules all.”
In 2006 I had a spirit visitation from the Goddess Isis of ancient Egypt. Goddess Isis gently reminded me of my many past lives when I served as one of her spiritual teachers. She asked me once more to walk the path of spiritual awakening and ascension and reintroduce these teachings to our modern world. The last time the path was complete and available to us, was in Zep Tepi, the Golden Times of Ancient Egypt.

When I received the invite from Goddess Isis, I had no idea of the vast body of teachings that she would offer me through channellings, visioning and remembering, over these many years.
Goddess Isis is not a Goddess who needs praising, offerings and worshipping. She has no need of anything from us. She is a teacher light being bringing to Earth the Path of Ascension. In her crown chakra, she carries a structure called the throne, a structure pointing to the sky and representing the way to enlightenment. She is the mistress of HEKA, the teacher who offers us knowledge of the universal divine energy that governs all, creating order out of chaos. Her vibration and energy signature is that of the Great Mother of unconditional love for all beings. In the temple walls, she is also portrayed as a woman with white wings. The wings of Isis are wings of light that surround the whole of the Earth, as well as the plethora of the physical and spiritual universes; indeed the whole of creation. Goddess Isis invites us to perceive the world through the eye of the awakened soul and discover our inner divinity, which is unconditional love and light.

The principal spiritual teaching that the Goddess Isis offered me in 2006 was, “the Seven Gates of Awareness.” These gates do not relate to the chakras but are gateways, energy portals that open within the body, so that specific vibrations of Divine consciousness can flow into us and through us. The opening of each gate within is achieved through a process of Initiation where the vibration of the initiate is raised to such a degree that they become the portal, they become the gate. After the initiation, participants in our courses can work with specific practices daily to embody these high frequencies. Goddess Isis says that the initiation process is only the beginning of the journey and not the end point. To walk the path of the ancient initiate we need to nurture the Divine Self and detach from feeding the egoic or conditioned mind.

These teachings are incredibly deep and profound, and after many years I still have no way to adequately describe them, as I have found nothing like them in other disciplines. Sometimes people ask me if the practices of the Egyptian mystery school are shamanic and derive from shamanism. Since 2012 I have been a shamanic teacher with the Global Network of shamanic teachers created by Sandra Ingerman, and before then I had studied and practiced shamanism since 2006, both with indigenous and western teachers. I also carry a shamanic lineage transmitted through my family line in Greece that goes back to ancient times, preserved in secret as it was passed down the generations. So, I can see some elements of shamanism in the Path of Isis, but I would say that it is much more hieratic, it is really a Temple practice that brings together meditation, ritual and ceremonies, sacred theatre (theodrama), and high frequencies of light to open our heart centre and grow spiritually into the more whole, aware being we are in our essence.
Goddess Isis describes the purpose of these teachings of light…
“they open you to the Light of the World, so you can become that Light. As the energy flows inside you it opens you to the wisdom that exists within you.”
I have been teaching the Mystery School of ancient Egypt courses since 2006 and in 2015 I founded The ISIS School of Holistic Health with my colleague Fi Sutherland. Our school is based in Glasgow, Scotland and we teach this work in both in-person and online workshops.
Our in-person work centres on the path of the initiate and the Seven Gates of Awareness, and it is deep and profound. In the initiation, I merge with Goddess Isis and it is She who performs this ancient ritual through my body. In the days of the course we take participants through the practices, rituals and ceremonies of the specific gate and we also offer a detailed manual and recordings so that people have all they need to practice by themselves afterwards. We support the modern initiate of the mysteries by creating a community. We have the opportunity to meet in person and online and we have a live webinar once a month for all the initiates to come together. In the monthly circle we share channellings from Goddess Isis and new teachings we practice together. We also hold Goddess Isis retreats and every few years we organise pilgrimages to Egypt, which are open only to our community.

Goddess Isis says that “The Seven Gates of Awareness” is a teaching that spans many lifetimes.
At certain times in our life, we discover this path. Goddess Isis touches us with her wings of light and invites us onto this road of soul evolution. However, there is never any obligation from us to answer a spiritual call or to even keep walking once we step onto it. The enlightened beings state that they want nothing from us, but they will work with us if we so wish, respecting our free will. Some people step onto this path knowing whole heartedly that it is right for them. Others step on and step off the path, and sometimes they return to it. Whilst some may need to hear the call many times. There is no right or wrong way.
The Path of Goddess Isis is open to both men and women. It is not a goddess workshop or a divine feminine course, but a mystery school of spiritual ascension. In the ancient temples a person In our last pilgrimage entering Karnak Temple at sunrise could become a Priestess of Isis or a Priest, as both women and men served the light and there was never any gender discrimination. The Divine Heart of the Mother nurtures us all.
As well as the in-person courses, our modern mystery school also offers online webinars that people can purchase and study in their own time from the comfort of their home. The online webinars were developed during the lockdowns when people could not travel to Scotland. They are very different to the Seven Gates of Awareness teaching and they take the participant through journeys in ancient sites, including the pyramids and temples, and guide them to re-experience the power of HEKA and raise their frequency. The online courses include unique teachings that can help us to start to comprehend our multi-dimensional self beyond life and death.
Those of us who have walked the Path of Goddess Isis over many years now see each day as a gift. We have raised our consciousness and trust in the Divine Heart to guide us in our everyday world. In this way our life, gradually and gently, becomes a sacred ceremony, and we experience tremendous spiritual growth.

The Mystery School of Egypt is alive and calls us back. For more information on the Path of Goddess Isis, our in-person and online courses, workshops and retreats, please visit our website
From the ancient times, the calling comes Listen to the sound of the sistrum, the ringing of the bells and bring your voice to the Temple of Light. Sing the sacred words of power that help you see beyond the veil and open up to the Living Light that you are. May the Winged Goddess bestow upon you HEKA, the power of transformation and rebirth.
These are the words of ISET, channelled by Fotoula Adrimi
Main – Photo by Leonardo Ramos on Unsplash