The Story of You

Lynda Emmett
Written by Lynda Emmett

You might believe you’re not creative or lack a good imagination, but you are an extraordinary storyteller—your life is built upon the stories you tell yourself.

Photo by Nong on Unsplash

As humans we constantly build stories around our thoughts and take them as truth. The stories playing from our minds can either cause us to feel phenomenal joy and  contentment  or deep pain or stress depending on what we believe happened us within them and they profoundly shape the course of how we live each day…

Our Stories Are Filled With

…myths and misconceptions, and from them we have formed habits and ways of being  so deeply embedded  we no longer see the roots. Our stories begin within the innocence and purity of a child’s mind and are then stored in our subconscious as the scripts  and plots we use to play out our life. We often play the same stories on repeat like movies stuck on replay shaping our reality.

Every new experience we encounter is interpreted through the lens of our existing narratives.

Our library of stories dictate how we show up and our perception of every experience we have like…

Photo by Valdemaras D. on Unsplash

Daily Interactions: Even the smallest day to day interactions are influenced by the stories we tell ourselves. If the story you are playing out in the moment is how stressed, late or busy you are this impacts how you interpret a colleague’s comment ,how you react to traffic or how you might respond to a stranger’s smile, these micro-narratives shape our day-to-day experiences and overall well-being each day.

Success and Failure: How we interpret our achievements and setbacks is deeply rooted in our personal narratives. Our stories shape whether we view obstacles as failures or as learning opportunities and this determines our resilience and growth.

Relationships Your understanding of who you are and what you are worthy of within your relationships is heavily influenced by the stories we create about others’ intentions, actions, and feelings. Whether it’s assuming a friend’s text indicates disinterest or interpreting a partner’s comment as criticism, these stories can either strengthen the bonds or create unnecessary conflicts.

And then there is the most important story of all. Your greatest tale The Story of You!

Our inner narrative is the story we tell ourselves of who we believe we are. It is an ego construct militantly supervised by our inner judge to be sure we abide by the rules of who we are allowed to be within the egos identity.

We often cling to our stories as a way to explain to ourselves and others why we are the way we are. This narrative is often laden with false beliefs and attachments, shaping our understanding and behaviours in ways we may not even realize.

Our life story is built upon patterns of thoughts and  past experiences which shaped both our core beliefs and our internal dialogue. The underlying theme and foundations of our book is built from our childhood experiences that created our self-image ,adaptive behaviours and coping mechanisms which become woven together in our minds bound into chapters that make up our lives.

Rewriting your Narrative

The phenomenal power you have is you are the script writer ,director, main character and cast selector of this story. At anytime you can burn the old script and write a new but first we need to unveil your inner script .

Once you begin to write your story it frees you to confront what is holding you back, reframe your beliefs, debunk personal myths, and empowers you to let go of elements of your story and rewrite the narrative.

When you reach more challenging parts of your life story you can treat that chapter like a vision quest.

What did you learn from those experiences?

What did it ignite within you?

What element will you liberate yourself from?

Main – Photo by Kamala Bright on Unsplash