The Way You Walk…

Abi Adams
Written by Abi Adams

The Way You Talk, The Way You Do Everything…

How do you relate to the ground?

Understanding the psychology of what my legs signify has been a game changer for me in understanding my childhood. A place I didn’t feel very welcome. A place I felt bad for who I was.

Photo by Alex Rybin on Unsplash

Meeting Anodea Judith and then becoming one of her Sacred Hearts enabled me to feel, express and move on from the feelings stored deeply within my body. Using the chakras, I am now able to move specific parts of the body that reflect certain emotions. My FAVOURITE has always been the legs as I’ve felt the change in myself as well as seeing it change other people’s perspectives towards the way they relate to themselves, others, and life.

How does the earth/ground feel to you?

When we’re rushing around, not dealing with and generally making ourselves busy, we don’t even give it the time of day. But lay down, take a breath and then ask that question.

What comes up?

Does the earth feel stable? Secure? Strong? 

Or does it reflect weak, unstable, uncomfortable feelings?

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Big love

Abi x

Main – Photo by Ochir-Erdene Oyunmedeg on Unsplash