Thoughts Become Things

Elizabeth Laing
Written by Elizabeth Laing

A Plant Analogy

Imagine your thoughts are like little seeds in your brain. These seeds can grow into things just like real seeds can grow into plants. Here’s how it can work…

  • Thinking: It all starts when you have a thought. This could be about anything you want, like a dream, a goal, or something you want to do.
  • Imagination: Your brain is like a super powerful movie projector. It can show you pictures and ideas in your mind. So, when you think about something, your brain can create a picture or movie about it.
  • Belief: Now, here’s the magical part. If you really, truly believe in your thought, it’s like giving water and sunshine to the seed. Believing means you think it can actually happen.
  • Planning: Once you believe in your thought, you can start making a plan. Think about what you need to do to make it come true. Just like if you want to grow a big sunflower, you need to water it and give it good soil.
  • Action: Now, it’s time to take action. This means doing the things in your plan. If you want to be a great artist, you need to practice drawing. If you want to make friends, you need to be friendly and say hello to people.
  • Patience: Sometimes, just like plants take time to grow, your thoughts may take time to become things. You need to be patient and keep believing and working on your plan.
  • Positive Thinking: It’s important to think positively and stay focused on your goal. If you keep thinking you can do it, it’s like giving your thought-seed more energy to grow.
  • Learning: Along the way, you might make mistakes or face challenges. That’s okay! Every time you learn from your mistakes, it’s like giving your thought-seed even more nutrients.
  • Support: Sometimes, you might need help from family, friends, or teachers. They can be like the wind and rain that help your thought-seed grow.
  • Achievement: Finally, after all your hard work, your thought can become a real thing. It’s like when the sunflower blooms after you’ve taken good care of it.

So, remember, your thoughts can become things if you believe in them, make a plan, take action, and keep going, just like taking care of a plant. And as you grow, you’ll learn more about how to turn your thoughts into amazing things! 

An RTT Therapist is a therapeutic approach that aims to help individuals achieve rapid and lasting changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. An RTT therapist can play a role in the process of turning thoughts into things by addressing and transforming deep-rooted beliefs and patterns.

This is done by helping you Identify Limiting Beliefs that hold you back so you can focus on the thoughts you want to live a life you love. 

Gain freedom over your thoughts by getting in touch today!

Main – Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash