Uncovering Truth

The energies on the planet are intensifying. As a result, a lot of truth is surfacing, unravelling despite attempts to suppress it. This momentum has been building for some time now and shows no signs of letting up. We see this across politics, media, entertainment, and religion, to name but a few.

Simultaneously, the Earth herself is undergoing an intense process of cleansing and releasing, unable to hold toxic energy any longer.

As this clearing occurs, it is stirring up much within us – both individually and collectively. Consequently, many people are gradually experiencing spiritual awakenings, realising that we are multi-dimensional beings connected to the entire web of life, to Mother Earth, and to the great Cosmic Mother herself. Through this awakening process, so much truth about who we are is being revealed.

Our Truth

We are all being stirred to look within at our wounds and allow them to emerge from the darkness to be acknowledged. We may have hidden and denied them for a very long time. Simultaneously, our Light is coming through to help us integrate this process. Once we find the courage to confront, heal, and release these wounds, they lose their power over us. We all have many layers to heal on different levels. These could include difficult, stagnant emotions like grief, fear, shame, sadness, anger, and rage, or negative karma, inner child wounds, generational or ancestral patterns, or even memories from past lives that are still affecting us today. These issues create imbalances, negative patterns, and triggers, preventing us from being truly whole and evolving our consciousness.

Beneath all of this lies the spark of Light at our core. It is our true Essence – the truth of who we are on a soul level. It is our connection to Unconditional Love, to the Source from which we came.

These layers may have been suppressed and denied for a very long time. They also prevent us from allowing our gifts, wisdom, and potential to emerge. It is not an easy journey to navigate these layers, as it can be uncomfortable and confusing. Sometimes, it seems easier to armour our hearts to survive in this realm, and that is what we have been doing. Memories of having spoken our truth previously, especially as women, and the consequences we faced for doing so, have scarred us over many lifetimes.

As we delve deeper and lovingly examine our inner selves, ancient fears of speaking our truth and the repercussions of doing so may rise to the surface. However, as we find the courage to release these fears, over time, a burden lifts, and a shift occurs within. The hardest part is often the resistance to feeling these emotions and trusting that we are safe. Take comfort in knowing that now, more than ever, it is safe to speak your truth.

Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine

Through working with the energy of Mary Magdalene in Divine Feminine Healing over the past few years, I felt called to travel to the South of France to visit the cave in the Saint-Baume Mountains, where Mary Magdalene is believed to have spent her final days. The cave was a beautiful, sacred space, and I felt a deep peace envelop me as I sat in its silence, listening for any messages that might come through. Clarity began to unfold months after my visit. I also felt a deep connection with her in the beautiful forest surrounding the cave, in nature. In hindsight, I feel it was a call to ground and connect more deeply with Mother Earth, who is part of us, as a way of reconnecting with the Divine Feminine within ourselves. We do not need to look any further than within our own temples to find what we have been seeking.

Since then, what has unfolded more deeply within me is the realisation that we, especially women, need to make a conscious choice to reconnect with the wisdom of our bodies. We must heal our traumas and the shame that has been projected onto us for thousands of years. By doing so, we can forge a path back to the ancient wisdom that has lain dormant for so long. In this way, we deeply embody the Divine Feminine and consciously carry this into our daily lives. This, in turn, creates change around us. As we heal, we heal the collective and the Earth.

This means accepting and integrating our dark aspects and distorted female patterns with our light.

For too long, we have relied on reason and analysis, due to patriarchal conditioning. We have shut down and mistrusted our intuition. We have also sought wisdom outside ourselves or in the upper astral realms as a way of disconnecting from our bodies, which were seen as shameful. However, the wisdom we seek has been lying dormant in our bodies, particularly in our sacred womb space – a powerful, multi-dimensional portal to so much truth.

Mary Magdalene was an apostle and spiritual teacher, believed to have been Jesus’s partner. Their mission was to help us balance the light and dark within, to heal our individual and collective shadow, and to find our way back to Love. This inner work loosens the ego’s fearful and destructive grip on us. They also represented the balance between our masculine and feminine energies. The imbalance within us, both women and men, as well as the absence of the Female aspect of the Divine, has led to chaos and disharmony for thousands of years. Their attempts to restore these ancient teachings were thwarted.

The feminine face of the Divine was never meant to be cast into the shadows. As a result, both women and men have suffered for a very long time. We have lost connection with our hearts, with the Earth Mother, and with the Mother of Creation.

After visiting the cave and the mountain of Saint Baume, I felt drawn to work more deeply with Sacred Womb practices, despite having already experienced Holy Womb chakra programmes and Divine Feminine initiations, and having gone on retreats prior to this visit.

In the months that followed, I was drawn even more to Womb Awakening work and training, which brought clarity on the deep wounds within myself and the collective. The wombs of women are containers for a complex range of wounds – generational traumas, memories from past lives, distorted masculine and feminine energies. However, men also need to heal their wounds, connect to their sacred Hara, and restore their connection to the Divine Masculine.

Healing and forgiving our wounds frees us & allows us to awaken the power & potential within these sacred spaces.

Easier said than done. It does not happen overnight. It takes commitment, energetic and emotional stamina, and a willingness to hold space for yourself to do the integration work needed to bring about real change. We must also be patient with ourselves and practise self-compassion as we are nurtured back to a state of wholeness. I believe this is a lifelong journey for all of us. It is about a willingness to get closer to the core of your own truth and the divine within.

How I Can Help

I feel a deep calling to share this work with anyone who is ready to embark on this journey with me. My role is to hold non-judgemental space for you in safe and focused practices, working with intuitive journeying, breath, intention, and Light. It is about being honest with yourself and consciously connecting with your body to feel what needs to be released. It is also about empowering you to connect more deeply with your higher self, so you can hold space for yourself in the healing process that follows. I offer this work in one-to-one sessions as well as in group programmes online.

I am delighted to be hosting a Free Masterclass “Awakening the Feminine energy in your Sacred Womb” on Thursday 5th September.

If you would like to join…

With Love,

Nóra Therèse

Main – Photo by Bhavya Pratap Singh on Unsplash