Unleash Your Inner Radiance

The Chakras: A Map of Energy

The ancient wisdom of chakras offers a powerful framework for understanding our energetic anatomy, our psychology and are also an excellent guide to preparing the mind, body and spirit into alignment.

Photo by Lavi Perchik on Unsplash

Each chakra, from the grounding root to the crown-opening crown, is representative of a vital aspect of our being. When the chakras are balanced and vibrant, our inner light shines brightly and it is this light, which touches, moves and inspires your family, friends and clients on their own healing journey.  When the chakras become blocked or depleted, our energy wanes, and our ability to stimulate the healing response in clients and ourselves dims.

Entering the Inner Castle: Embracing I AM

The chakras offer a wonderful portal to embrace the shadow self and psyche.  The chakras ‘chunk our fears and insecurities’ into smaller bits of information. 

Through further reflection and contemplation, I began to realise I was always putting myself and my self-care last.  And the reason for this was because I held an inner set of beliefs.

  • I am not good enough.
  • I am not loved enough.
  • I am not worthy enough. 

Essentially, I was viewing myself through a mindset and belief, I AM NOT ENOUGH.  My wounded inner child felt disconnected and at dis-ease with life on Earth.  My guides showed me I had spent much of my time and studies in complementary health and contemporary spirituality seeking to avoid living life on Earth and instead focused on trying ‘raise my vibration so I could ascend off Earth’.

Self-care of the enlightened mystical healer requires one to become committed to healing the self and to live from a place of presence.  As uncomfortable as this was, I committed to dealing with my wounded inner child’s perceptions.  I chose to make a commitment to experiencing fully I am enough, I am loved, and I am worthy. 

I reflected and contemplated where I am acting out the shadow archetypal behaviours for each chakra.  To be honest, I did find it challenging to remain disciplined enough to sit down daily and do the required inner work.  I had to learn to release over-thinking and be present with myself and my environment as it was.  This required me to feel my feelings, identify my getting and protective behaviours, recognise where I was intellectualising philosophies rather than living them.  Sticking with it though, has started to show dividends in my life.  The biggest dividend is feeling more present and peaceful despite outer world chaos.

Daily Sacred Practice – The Mystical Hour of Inner Power

Initially the commitment felt like a chore and trying to quieten the mind and body to hear the soft voice of my Soul, was challenging.  However, it was through photography and taking photographs of insects whilst being a mere 2 inches away from them, which created the break-through I needed to remain committed to self-care and a daily sacred practice.  Very simply, I became grounded, centred, aligned and present when seeking to capture the beauty of insects.  I felt such joy and peace being with the insect.  Capturing their beauty shows up in my photography of them as ‘part of God’s creation’.

I have through reflection and commitment to creating a daily sacred practice understood I couldn’t deal with my inner ‘beliefs’ and ‘demons’ unless I was willing to put in the time to do inner work.  I didn’t start off with 1 Hour. I chose to focus on what I could in 15 minutes, then 30 minutes, then 45 minutes and finally 1 Hour. I refer to this hour of inner work and multi-sensory exercises as The Mystical Hour of Inner Power (© Kathleen Ginn 2023).  In business circles they refer to this hour as the “Golden Hour”. 

Very simply, it is a dedicated 60-minute experience designed to develop the energy pathways between heaven and earth.  It enables me to prepare my mind, body and spirit to hold and ground higher frequencies of wisdom and life.  It enables me to become a grounded, centred, present mystical force committed to the healing journey.  I am now walking my talk and talking the walk.  I am finally, putting self-care as a healer at the top of my daily agenda.

The Magician’s Touch: Aligning Self-Care with Your Chakras

The Magician within you craves practical tools. Here’s how to weave chakra-aligned self-care into the tapestry of your life:

  • Root Chakra (Grounding): Commune with nature. Go for barefoot walks, immerse yourself in the forest, or simply sit beneath a grounding tree. Feel the stability of the Earth beneath you, replenishing your sense of security and foundation.
  • Sacral Chakra (Creativity): Unleash your inner artist. Dance, sing, paint – express yourself freely through any creative outlet that ignites your passion. Reignite your joy and fuel your creative flow.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra (Power): Practice power poses. Stand tall, arms raised in victory, and feel your inner strength surge. Affirm your worth and visualise stepping into your personal power.
  • Heart Chakra (Love): Cultivate compassion. Engage in acts of kindness, volunteer your time, or simply offer a listening ear to a friend. Nurture the wellspring of love within yourself.
  • Throat Chakra (Communication): Find your voice. Journal your thoughts and feelings, express yourself authentically, or sing along to uplifting music. Liberate your voice and empower your authentic expression.
  • Third Eye Chakra (Intuition): Embrace quiet contemplation. Meditate, spend time in nature, or simply allow yourself moments of stillness. Refine your inner compass and reconnect with your intuition.
  • Crown Chakra (Spirituality): Connect to the divine. Spend time in sacred spaces, practice prayer or gratitude rituals, or simply marvel at the beauty of the universe. Nurture your connection to something greater than yourself.

The Sage’s Reminder: Consistency is Key

Our inner sage reminds us constantly small, consistent actions are more powerful than grand gestures.  Yet we tend to dismiss the inner sage’s whisperings when we are overwhelmed with life’s daily chores and taking care of loved ones, Mother Earth and our clients.

Photo by Wander Fleur on Unsplash

The power of compounding is more well known in financial circles than in spiritual or personal development.  However, mastery of anything requires regular practice and the simplest way to achieve personal mastery of spiritual principles is to put them into daily practice and live them.  Daily repeated steps focused on using sound, light, colour, movement, scent, nutrition and psychology will accelerate spiritual and personal growth making it easier to remain consistent.

Embrace the Journey: Daily Sacred Practice & Self-Care

The daily sacred practice is your commitment to self-care which is vitally important as a healing facilitator.  By nurturing your own well-being, you become a more potent force for healing in the lives of others and for Mother Earth. As you care for your chakras, you nourish your inner radiance, allowing you to shine even more brightly as a healer, coach, or counsellor.

Photo by Pixabay

As the inner magician within you hones these practices, you’ll discover a renewed sense of vitality, creativity, and purpose. Remember, dear healer and reader, your own radiance is the foundation for illuminating the path of others. So, embark on this journey of self-care, and let your inner light shine ever brighter.

Recommended Reading

TUBALIShaiThe Seven Wisdoms of Life : A Journey into the ChakrasMSI Press LLC
TUTTLECarolThe Modern Chakra Guide : 7 Steps to Awaken your Energy in Today’s WorldLive Your Truth Press
UHLCassieUnderstanding Chakras : Your Handbook to Understanding the Energy of the Chakra SystemRockPoint, Imprint of The Quarto Group
VEGASeleneThe Sevenfold Journey : Reclaiming Mind, Body and Spirit Through the ChakrasCrossing Press Berkley
VIERCKDeanna GabrielChakra Healing Workbook : A Guide to Opening, Balancing and Unblocking Your ChakrasWellfleet Press, Imprint of The Quarto Group
VOLLMARKlausberndJourney Through the Chakras : Exercises for Healing and Internal BalancingGateway Books, Bath, UK
WAUTERSAmbikaThe Book of Chakras – Discover the Hidden Forces Within YouQuarto Publishing Plc
WAUTERSAmbikaChakras and their Archetypes : Uniting Energy Awareness and Spiritual GrowthCrossing Press Berkley

Main – Photo by Sebastien Gabriel on Unsplash