Unlocking the Power of Your Menstrual Cycle

Anne-Marie Pereira
Written by Anne-Marie Pereira

Self-Care Tips for Every Phase

Have you ever felt like your emotions are on overdrive, like everything is just a little more intense than it used to be?

Photo by David Garrison

Lately, more and more women are navigating the ups and downs of their monthly cycles like never before. Periods are becoming unpredictable—longer, heavier, and arriving out of the blue. It’s as if our bodies are waving the white flag, saying, “Slow down!”

Here’s the deal: while men typically run on a 24-hour cycle, we’re tuned into a rhythm that spans a month. I know too many women who have decided to put their cycles on the low, choosing to stop their periods with medication or other methods—and it’s important to acknowledge that everyone’s journey is different. But we must remind ourselves that our strength and power lie in our cycle. It’s time to break free from the 24-hour mindset and embrace our natural flow. Understanding our unique cycle can lead to greater ease and empowerment.

Instead of resisting it, let’s learn to flow with it!

Photo by Bich Tran

Over the next sections, I’ll break down each phase of the menstrual cycle and share empowering tips to help you feel in tune with your body, no matter what life throws at you. Trust me—this isn’t always easy. I’m writing this for myself too because I often forget to tune in with my emotions and give myself the space and time I need.

After you read this, remember one thing: the most important thing is to choose what makes you feel good.

Let’s dive in!

1. Embrace the Rest: How to Navigate Your Menstrual Phase with Self-Care

The menstrual phase is a powerful invitation to embrace rest, reflection and self-care. It’s your time to recharge and prepare for the exciting new cycle ahead.

a. What’s Happening in Your Body: Understanding the Menstrual Phase

So, what’s going on during this phase? As your cycle begins anew, your hormones—especially oestrogen and progesterone—are at their lowest. This is why you might feel tired, moody or more emotional than usual—it’s completely normal! This phase typically lasts between 3 to 7 days and your energy levels may dip. Instead of forcing yourself to push through, take a moment to listen to your body. This is your opportunity to recharge and show yourself the compassion you deserve.

Consider this: when feelings of sensitivity and introspection arise, it’s the perfect time to slow down. Grab a journal and write down your thoughts or take a break from any drama in your life.

By embracing this natural rhythm and flow, you’ll better manage your expectations and regain a sense of control over your emotions and energy.

b. How to Practise Self-Care During Your Period

Your body is asking for comfort and calm right now. So, what can you do to nurture yourself? Warm baths, heating pads, gentle stretching and light walks are your best friends—these soothing activities can ease cramps without draining your energy.

Don’t forget to find joy in the quieter moments! Grab a book, meditate and write in your journal. These peaceful practices can help ground you and provide a sense of serenity. And remember, communication is key—let your partner know you might need some extra space during this time. A little understanding can make a world of difference!

This is your moment to focus on simple tasks and avoid pushing yourself too hard. It’s perfectly okay to slow down and show yourself kindness—you’re nurturing both your body and your soul.

c. Nourishing Your Body & Managing Work During Menstruation

Nutrition plays a vital role during your period. Replenish your iron levels with spinach, lentils and healthy protein-rich foods. Foods rich in magnesium, like nuts and dark chocolate, can also help ease cramps and lift your mood. And remember, hydration is key! Drinking plenty of water and herbal teas (like ginger, chamomile and peppermint) can keep you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

At work, embrace this time as an opportunity to reflect and plan—focus on tasks that don’t demand too much energy. Give yourself permission to take it easy and recharge—it only needs to be enough for you and no one else! This is not just about managing your workload; it’s about nourishing yourself both physically and emotionally, setting the stage for a rejuvenating transition into the next phase of your cycle.

2. From Low to High: Rebuild Your Energy During the Follicular Phase

As you transition into the follicular phase, your energy begins to rise, creating the perfect opportunity to focus on growth, set new goals and harness your natural strength.

a. What’s Happening in Your Body: The Energy Rebound

So, what’s happening in your body? After your period, you enter the follicular phase, which lasts around 7 to 10 days. During this time, hormone levels start to climb and many women experience a surge in energy, mental sharpness and motivation. You might find yourself in a better mood, feeling more optimistic and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

Your body is preparing to release an egg and that extra energy is your signal to set new goals and pursue exciting projects.

b. How to Make the Most of Your Energy Boost

With all this newfound energy, how about starting new projects or incorporating more movement into your day? Whether you’re launching a new work initiative, brainstorming creative ideas or simply enjoying time with friends, you’ll feel more confident and sociable. Consider introducing activities like dancing, intense walking and bouncing—these can be incredibly satisfying during this phase. It’s the perfect time to nurture your relationships, connect with others and challenge your creativity. Embrace this energetic period as a chance to expand your horizons and explore new passions!

If you don’t experience this energy shift throughout your cycle, it could be a sign that something’s off with your hormones. In particular, consider getting a hormonal check to assess your progesterone levels. Understanding these fluctuations will help you gain insight into what might be happening during your cycle and why it’s affecting your energy levels.

c. Nutrition & Work-Life Balance During the Follicular Phase

Fueling your body is essential for maintaining that energetic momentum! Stock up on whole grains, fresh fruits and vibrant veggies. Foods rich in antioxidants—like berries and leafy greens—are your best allies for enhancing overall health. Incorporate omega-3-rich foods such as wild salmon and seeds to boost your brainpower. And remember to hydrate! Drinking plenty of water and herbal teas (like peppermint and hibiscus) will keep you feeling refreshed and energized.

At work, this is your chance to shine! Focus on brainstorming sessions, creative projects and setting ambitious goals. With your energy peaking, find that sweet spot between getting things done and taking care of your wellbeing. Embrace this phase, and watch yourself flourish!

The Ovulation Phase: Confidence, Energy & Power to Thrive

a. What’s Happening in Your Body: Ovulation Explained

So, what happens during ovulation? Around day 14 of your cycle, your body releases a mature egg and this vibrant phase lasts about 1 to 2 days. You may experience an incredible boost in energy, a brighter mood and a strong sense of confidence.

With hormones on the rise, it’s the perfect moment to celebrate your body and embrace your strengths. Think of it as the universe giving you a high-five!

b. Embracing Your Peak: How to Shine in Social & Work Settings

This is your time to harness that newfound energy! Your social skills are at their best, making it the perfect moment to schedule important meetings, presentations and enjoyable social gatherings. Imagine yourself leading a project or having heartfelt conversations with friends and family—your confidence is skyrocketing and you’re ready to shine like the star you are! Embrace this opportunity to take charge, express yourself and forge deeper connections with those around you.

c. Physical Activity & Healthy Fats for Ovulation Support

Keep the momentum going by diving into high-energy activities. These exhilarating workouts not only boost your energy levels but also elevate your mood! Don’t forget to nourish your body with healthy fats—think avocados, nuts and olive oil. These nutrient-rich foods are essential for balancing your hormones and sustaining your energy levels.

Now’s the time to take the lead in both your professional and personal life. Embrace collaborative projects and connect with others with enthusiasm. So go out there, celebrate this powerful phase and let your confidence shine through! You’ve got this.

4. The Luteal Phase: Nurturing Your Body & Mind

a. Hormonal Changes: Understanding Your Body’s Signals

As you transition into the luteal phase, which lasts about 10 to 14 days, your body experiences significant hormonal shifts. Following ovulation, the ruptured follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone to prepare your body for a potential pregnancy. During this phase, both progesterone and estrogen levels rise, which can lead to feelings of bloating, mood swings, and heightened sensitivity. By recognising and embracing these changes, you empower yourself to manage your well-being more effectively.

Photo by Taryn Elliott

Remember, it’s perfectly normal to feel a little different during this time—listen to your body and respond with kindness!

b. Embracing Self-Care: Rituals for Relaxation

To support your body through these changes, prioritize self-care rituals that cultivate relaxation and serenity. Engage in gentle stretch and explore guided meditations to effectively alleviate stress and tension. Establish comforting practices that nurture your spirit, such as indulging in warm baths infused with essential oils and sipping soothing herbal teas like like chamomile and lemon balm.

Don’t underestimate the power of restful sleep—creating a consistent bedtime routine and a serene sleep environment is essential for recharging your energy. Remember, self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for your overall wellbeing. Embrace these moments of tranquility as a way to reconnect with yourself and promote inner peace!

c. Nourishment & Movement: Fueling Your Energy

Nutrition and moderate exercise are essential allies during the luteal phase. Emphasize complex carbohydrates like whole grains and sweet potatoes, which provide sustained energy throughout the day. Pair these with magnesium-rich foods, such as leafy greens and nuts, to help alleviate symptoms like bloating and discomfort.

Incorporate moderate-intensity exercises like dancing or walking your dog to energize your body without overwhelming it. These activities help you stay active while promoting a sense of well-being.

By embracing this balance of nutrition and movement, you empower yourself to navigate the luteal phase with grace and self-compassion. Remember, nourishing your body is an act of love—one that can transform your experience during this time!

Conclusion: Embrace Your Unique Rhythm & Thrive All Month Long

Understanding your menstrual cycle is more than tracking your period. It’s about recognising the natural shifts in energy and mood that come with each phase and embracing your body’s unique rhythm. By listening to your body and working with your cycle, you can improve not just your physical well-being, but also your relationships, productivity and emotional health.

Embrace your cycle—it’s the key to feeling your best! Explore more tips and insights on women’s wellness and fertility in my free online courses. Let’s thrive together—you deserve to feel strong, beautiful and empowered throughout every phase of your unique cycle.

It doesn’t have to be enough for anyone else but you—whether at home or at work—prioritise what truly matters to you & remember…

…You Are Always Enough.

Your Free Wellbeing Course | Unlock a transformative three-step method to elevate your life! This free course on mind-body wellbeing will guide you toward greater fulfilment in your career, relationships and overall health.

Your Free Fertility Course | Discover a groundbreaking three-step approach designed to enhance your fertility. This free course will help you harmonise your mind and body, empowering you to overcome challenges and realise your dream of motherhood.

Don’t miss out on the chance to become a more relaxed, focused and vibrant version of yourself. Your journey toward balance and fertility starts here!

Main – Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash