What is Dowsing?
Most people connect dowsing to finding water, and think that is its sole purpose.
Dowsing is used for finding water but dowsing is a very ancient and intuitive method of finding absolutely anything that is either lost or cannot be seen.
For example etheric energy, natural electromagnetic currents (called telluric currents), auras, chakras, allergies, food intolerances, underground water, finding lost items such as bodies, people, pets, buildings, wedding rings, car keys etc.
Dowsers worked with archaeologists before geophysics was invented, they pick up the same magnetic signatures with rods. Dowsing has been used for millennia in societies right across the world, for all sorts of divination and healing.
So when explaining dowsing, a brief history is a good place to start.
History of Dowsing
Dowsing has been around for millennia.
Nobody is sure who first dowsed. It is highly probable that early hunter-gatherers used dowsing, without any equipment, to follow migrating herds. Scientific research on migrating creatures shows that the sun is used to find direction in the day time, but on cloudy days or at night, the iron in the blood (haemoglobin) and tiny particles called magnetite, which can be found in the brain and other organs, react to Earth’s electro-magnetic (telluric) currents, and are used for guidance at night.
Humans have iron and magnetite too, so it is highly likely that early man used these in the same way as other animals. The ultimate dowsing experience is to intuitively dowse without any rod or pendulum!
So it would seem that for humanity it’s a case of ‘use it or lose it!’ We now need some sort of ‘aerial’ to amplify the body’s reaction.
Whether you believe we were taught by ‘builder gods’, a la Graeme Hancock et al, or that aliens once visited. It can be proven today at ancient sites that knowledge of both healing and harmful earth energies and sacred geometry was used in their construction.

Without exception, every sacred site across the world has a sacred spring at its heart! (Sacred springs have specific dowsing features, not every spring fulfills this category.) Ancient sites manipulate, divert and direct earth currents for healing purposes.
The ancient Chinese called earth energies Dragon Lines, and only the emperor, and/or temples could be sited above specific nodes (energy crossing points). The ancient Chinese manipulated currents for the health of the people and the land.
Ancient Meso-American tribes named these same energies feathered serpents, (Quetzalcoatl) and the Australian aborigines called them rainbow serpents.
The word for dragon and serpent are both derived from the same Greek word, Draco. Which takes us into astronomy, as the constellation of Draco is right near Ursa Major and ancient sites also marked star constellations, equinoxes and solstices.
Dowsing was used in the 16th century in Germany for finding precious ores. German dowsers came to Cornwall to dowse for tin and copper.
Bringing us right up to date, dowsing is used in conjunction with crop circles (real ones not fakes). Circles draw on the Earth’s telluric energies, and always manifest near ancient sites world-wide.