A Weird Mix
Dowsing is a mix of right and left brain. You use your left brain to process the information from your dowsing rod and surroundings, but because you are dowsing for an unseen target, you are using your right brain too.
My business is teaching dowsing, and my own experience is that intuitives are more difficult to teach than people totally new to dowsing. I have however developed methods to overcome this, which enables even intuitive beginners to get started. Ultimately intuitives fare better since the final goal is to dowse without instruments!
In the 1990’s several dowsers had their brains wired into electroencephalographs (ECG). The results showed that dowsing uses Beta (waking state, information processing), Alpha (reflective, contemplating, restful, ~ the dowsing mental state), and Theta waves (dreaming sleep) simultaneously. Dowsing connects both left and right brain hemispheres simultaneously.
F.Y. I. Zen mediation uses Beta, Alpha and Theta waves. Transcendental meditation uses Alpha and Theta waves. So dowsing produces the same effects as Zen meditation.
Even at the beginning stage I will encourage students to get the ‘feel’ of an energy because each energy feels different. I encourage the use of a ‘tell’. Mine is my left big toe, because I am left handed and hold my rod in my left hand. When this tingles, I know I have found the exact spot I am looking for.
Healing Your Home
Many holistic therapies heal stress, and therapists often give counselling on avoiding stress. But there are 2 sources of stress often overlooked: Geopathic Stress and Electromagnetic Fields (EMF).

A brief explanation follows, but I have a blog on my website with a detailed explanation. It has full citations and links to the very real science behind Geopathic stress and EMFs. Even the U.K. government has EMF advice on its website! So do look on my website to find out more!
In Brief: The Earth has natural electrical fields, it is part of her eco-system. Some of the electrical fields are created by rocks and the magnetic North Pole, but most are caused and created by an interaction between the Earth, the Sun and the Ionosphere. This creates a grid of regularly spaced currents stretching like a net right over the globe. In addition water, when it travels through rocks, creates magnetic anomalies and vortexes.
Some currents are beneficial to health, so we don’t worry about them, others are not. Some crossing points of this global net can create Geopathic stress. Geopathic stress creates much the same symptoms as other forms of stress, and can create the same long term health effects if ignored.
If you google geopathic stress you will get pages of geopathic stress consultants and electronic gizmos to ‘cure’ the stress. In actual fact it is not nearly as scary as it’s made out, the areas are quite small, and the remedies are simple, inexpensive and straightforward. I hate it when people sell using fear!
I offer an accredited weekend workshop to teach people how to detect and deal with geopathic stress and electromagnetic fields in homes and workplaces. You could accredit and set up as a stress consultant yourself!
Electromagnetic fields are created by modern technology and are also detrimental to your health. See the government advice here.