All I have is the present moment, the now, the now, the now. Here it is and here I am, sitting in the present and being present. It is important – being present in the present. I see that now and I know that now. It gets easier the more you focus your attention on it, I begin to wander and then I come back to IT, to being, to being IT, for that is all I have, that is all I know. I spent a long time living out of the past, reliving the past for it to get me nowhere. Nowhere served me, but this is another nowhere – it is the now-here!
Can you allow yourself the opportunity to be present in the Now?
To let go of what was and focus on what is…the YOU in the NOW?

Be the present in presence, you are the present in the present, you are the Gift of Life, you are IT in the NOW. Live it, breathe it, be it, for there is nothing outside of you.
It is so simple because it is simple, it is easy, it is possible. I know because I experience it, daily. I know it because I am it. Be easy, be simple and be in the NOW.

I am glad I know what I know now, I am glad it happened at the time it did. What I know is you can be IT too, if I am IT you are IT. There is no separation, only Wholeness, Oneness, Love. Everyday I am reminded of the Love I am and the Love that is in the present moment. It is always there for I am there, I am here and I am Love.
Love is the highest frequency there is, can you allow yourself to sit in stillness and feel the Love that the Universe has for you.
It exists, it is there, it is abundant in Love. When I strip it all back, when I turn inwards and look all I see is Love. I am love in the present moment, moving as Love, being Love, a representation in the physical form as Love. I know this now.
If you want to experience peace, be peace, if you want to experience Love, be Love, if you want to experience joy be joy. You are peace, you are Love and you are joy, I know this because I am peace, Love and joy. It is possible, the possibilities are endless. I know because I am endless, I am infinity and peace, Love and joy in the present moment now. Even as I write this I am all of IT and you can be too.

I know that everything I am is me, always. I am the answer to all my questions, I am my own solution. When I stopped looking outside of my myself I realised all this. I am my medicine, I am my own help. I am IT and this is what I know.
“Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and twice as beautiful as you’d ever imagined. Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself”
~ Rumi
Main – Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash