What is Shamanic Breathwork?

Natalie Ford
Written by Natalie Ford

And why might you want to experience it?

Shamanic Breathwork is a form of Conscious, Connected Breathing that is built on the foundations of Integrative, Holotropic and Rebirthing Breathwork. It was birthed under wisdom teachings from Native American Yeh-Weh-Node, Twylah Nitsch (aka “Grandma Twylah”) of the Wolf Clan in North America.

In addition to offering all the body detoxing benefits of regular breathwork, Shamanic Breathwork focuses on supporting you to awaken the Shaman within – your own inner healer and wise guide.

The ritualistic set-up and emotionally held container of Shamanic Breathwork provide a safe and inviting experience for you to surrender to your body’s wisdom and allow healing transformations to unfold during controlled, altered states of consciousness.

Each person’s Shamanic Breathwork journey is highly individualised & no two journeys are the same.

Some of the possible states of consciousness you may experience are:

  • A Divine, otherworldly bliss state
  • A struggle that allows you to release negative patterns or forces from your mind
  • Re-writing of your birth process – or ‘Rebirthing’
  • A review of one’s life – reliving or observing significant lifetime experiences
  • Old patterns of dysfunction being brought to the surface for healing
  • Transformation of addictions
  • A release of emotions, such as grief, fear, rage, anxiety or joy

The power of deep, connected breathing allows you to enter a natural, altered, dream-like state and release your ego’s defences – subconscious behaviours that can otherwise act as a barrier to accessing what truly needs to be felt and seen.

Photo by Tran Phu on Unsplash

All Shamanic Breathwork facilitators have been trained in emotional and physical support to help you overcome and transform emotional and energetic blocks encountered during the breathwork. I am also trained in trauma awareness and have studied psychology and trauma resolution for 5+ years.

With the help of Shamanic drumming, chakra-attuned music, and calling in that which is most sacred and holy to you (such as spirit guides, power animals, and higher powers), the Shamanic Breathwork process will guide you to:

  • Release that which no longer serves your highest good and call in what your heart and soul desire
  • Surrender to the wisdom of your inner healer and shed old identities, beliefs and trauma
  • Connect with lost parts of yourself, receive guidance from above, visit your ancestors or perhaps past lives
  • Awaken more sensation and pleasure in your body – opening the gateway to more fulfilling sex and orgasms
  • Feel more free, empowered, and connected to your body and intuition

Shamanic Breathwork also places a strong emphasis on supporting you in harvesting, digesting, and integrating the gifts and insights gained in your breathwork process.

Photo by Pixabay

An expressive, subconscious art experience and discussions facilitate this by offering perspectives, reflections and interpretations of key areas of your journey. You are also invited to take your art expression home with you to observe it for further subconscious messages that may arise in the days, weeks and months following your experience.

Shamanic Breathwork is one of the most expansive, profound & transformative styles of breathwork that I’ve come across.

For this reason, it often draws people who are:

  • On a path of self-awareness, healing and empowerment
  • Seeking more authentic, self-reflective and accountable friendships and relationships
  • Desiring a deeper connection with their body, emotions, and inner child
  • Change-makers and trailblazers driven to make a difference in the world
  • Want to awaken more sensation and pleasure in their body
  • In addiction recovery
  • Developing greater self-love and acceptance

It is suitable for most people over the age of 16, with restrictions on some physical and mental health diagnoses, which you can ask your local Shamanic Breathwork facilitator about.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

I hold regular Shamanic Breathwork and Conscious Emotional Release rituals in London (UK) and offer private (1:1) and online Shamanic Breathwork. I’d be delighted to hear from you if you feel drawn to attending one of my events.

Feel free to contact me.

I look forward to welcoming you,


Main – Photo by alexey a l o h a on Unsplash