What is a Jade Egg?
A Jade Egg is an egg shaped crystal – made of jade – that originated in ancient China. While it’s difficult to find exact records, it’s believed that around 5000 years ago Queens and mistresses would use the Jade Egg to keep their sexual organs ripe and resilient, to help them stay youthful – due to the way that the egg increases collagen, it can act like a natural facelift – and to deliver the Emperor a pleasure-filled sexual experience.
There is a hole in the top of the Jade Egg you string with unwaxed dental floss. Then after warming up the body with breast and vulva massage, you train the vagina to actually sip the egg inside. Most of our vaginas are so used to having things pushed inside them – tampons, fingers, penis’s, dildos – that they’ve lost the ability to be able to suck things inside; those muscles essentially atrophy.
So this is where ‘sipping’ – one of the most important practices in Yoga for the Vagina – is so powerful, because you’re able to learn how to reactivate those muscles – in particular the bulbacavonosis muscle – which is one the 16 muscles of the pelvic floor. By getting that muscle working again, you help restore balance to the pelvic floor. Because if some of the muscles of the pelvic floor are not healthy and toned, then the other muscles need to work overtime to pick up the slack, and in doing so, accumulate tension, which leads to muscle fatigue and a pelvic floor that doesn’t function well.
Once the Jade Egg is inside, it gives us something to rest our awareness on. It becomes a meditative focal point, and therefore, helps us connect more easily with the vaginal squeezes and releases in a way that allows us to create life-long functional integrity. You see, in order to have a well-functioning pelvis we need to balance good pelvic tone with a well-developed capacity to release pelvic tension. That means learning how to balance our squeeze with our release.