Am I Enough?
Have you ever found yourself pondering the question posed above?
Whether yes or no, this kind of question or similar ones run in our subconscious mind and drives our actions.
Through my work as an RTT therapist* I have discovered that many issues that people come to me with, have an underlying root cause – that people believe that they are not enough. Not consciously – at first sight some may even seem confident, have it all together, be extremely successful or famous. This is a programme that runs in the background, in our subconscious mind. When you believe that you are not enough, you try to fill the void by scrolling on social media, buying stuff, working extensive hours or/and being perfectionists. Or you may suffer with an addiction (alcohol, drugs, shopping, meaningless yet obsessive sex or masturbation, porn addiction) – you name it!

You believe that you are not enough and that you never get anything right – so why try? Bum… you have procrastination issues.
You are not enough, so why should anybody love you, do you deserve love? Bum… issues with love life.
You have always had issues with money, have you felt enough to deserve it? Of course there may be more to it. It is not the only reason/experience why you have an issue. It builds over time, usually it is deeply rooted in our childhood and if it is severe it needs a closer and deeper look. But when you address the “basic one” it starts to fill the void. It is like you have pulled off a veil that you were covered in and it is suddenly easier to breathe.
It may be challenging at the beginning, as our minds love what is familiar to them (even though it is not serving us) and reject what is unfamiliar (even though this can be very beneficial for us). So, if you are not familiar with self love, believing you are enough, your mind can be resistant at first. But you are a master of your mind, you can teach yourself anything.
Give it 3 weeks of daily practice of saying to yourself “I am enough” and see what happens.
Put this statement on your phone screen, on your laptop, on your mirror, a notebook, put it everywhere. Tell yourself this in the mirror, write it down in your journal 100x. Repeat it constantly! I have it on my phone screen, on my laptop, in my notebook. I have had “I am enough” stickers printed – to give to others or put in suitable places.
If you feel like you need more than just stickers, phrases and phone screen pictures, my teacher and founder of RTT Marisa Peer has plenty of materials you can explore on her webpage to go deeper (books, meditations, masterclasses…etc).
If you want to work on a specific topic and have it targeted and designed for your own needs you can contact me.

We can talk through whether a personal session is the right thing for you, to create a better life – one where you believe that you are enough and more than enough. We can delve deeper to discover the root cause of your issue and I will teach you how to master your mind so it works for you and does what you want it to do.
*RTT – Rapid Transformational Therapy is a personalised therapeutic approach that uses powerful, evidence-based techniques to provide people with the tools they need to make positive change. The roots of RTT® are drawn from within areas of traditional psychotherapy such as gestalt, solution-focused and cognitive behavioural therapy, hypnotherapy and mindfulness.
Main – Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay